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This week in Foothills Reader
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CSO honors violinist David Arben, closes season
Born ChaimArbajtman, in Warsaw 1927, Arben was a Holocaust survivor of seven Nazi detention facilities, a 1949 émigré commended by Leonard Bernstein, and internationally celebrated violin soloist. Arben died in 2017..

CGU, WesternU announce health alliance
The alliance of two respected, unique, private, graduate-only institutions – situated on nearby campuses and with thematically similar missions and cultures – will benefit current and prospective CGU students and faculty, said Len Jessup, PhD, who is the president of Claremont Graduate University.

Low rates, time to move up?
The average rate for a 30-year mortgage dropped at the end of May to 3.99%, the lowest since January 2018. As investors shift money into bonds, the real estate market reaps the benefits of lower interest rates..

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Keeping up with … Ontario-Montclair Rotary
Ontario-Montclair Rotary President Sherrie Davidson and President-Elect Aaron Miller receive awards for the Club’s outreach and community service throughout the year. The Club received awards and recognition for local community service, international service, youth service and other charitable works.

ONT/DMV outreach: Help with Real ID
DMV representatives will staff information-only booths, beyond the TSA checkpoint, every second and fourth week of the month on Wednesdays and Fridays. The goal of the partnership is to allow customers more time to ask questions and speak to DMV staff as they wait for their flights.

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June 27: Chino’s 5th Annual Art Uncorked
Proceeds will benefit the foundation’s youth scholarship fund which provides financial support to students living in the Chino Valley school district who are pursuing their passion for art, theater, dance or music..

July 27: Lake Arrowhead Rotary Classic
Founded by the late Scott Hughes as a fundraiser for the Gavin R. Stevens Foundation, Lake Arrowhead Rotary is continuing the tradition. Last year some 2,000 visitors viewed more than 100 classic cars and motorcycles along the shore of beautiful Lake Arrowhead.

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For more information, visit universityclubofclaremont. org. The UCC is nonprofit organization dedicated to the ongoing education of its members in addition to providing annual grants and scholarships to support local students and community organizations.

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Coming September: Route 66 Cruisin’ Reunion
This annual event, held on the third weekend in September, is free to the public and encompasses approximately twentytwo city blocks with classic cars parking to show and shine plus cruisin’ for two days along the streets of downtown Ontario..