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This week in Foothills Reader
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Jacaranda June in full flower
Jacarandas are in full bloom, and a little past full bloom, across the Foothills, their purple flowers yielding to green leaves. Jacarandas comprise a family of nearly 50 trees, popular worldwide, with the species jacaranda mimosifolia introduced to Southern California from South America.

Don’t miss Town Square music, films
The Summer Concerts on Wednesdays and the Movies on Fridays organized by the City of Ontario Recreation & Community Services provides free entertainment for the entire family..

Ross Automotive marks 19th essay awards
“This year marks 19 years of the Ross Automotive Group prioritizing investment in the academic success of the next generation,” Mr. Ross said. “We offer our congratulations and wish good luck to all students.”.

Termites Be alert, and get them first
Drywood termites are the most common species of termite found in SoCal, infesting dead limbs on trees, wood piles, decks and your home. They cut across the grain of wood leaving a pattern of chambers and tunnels, hollowing out beams and studs until they crumble.

July 27: Lake Arrowhead Rotary Classic
Founded by the late Scott Hughes as a fundraiser for the Gavin R. Stevens Foundation, Lake Arrowhead Rotary is continuing the tradition. Last year some 2,000 visitors viewed more than 100 classic cars and motorcycles along the shore of beautiful Lake Arrowhead.

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ONT/DMV outreach: Help with Real ID
DMV representatives will staff information-only booths, beyond the TSA checkpoint, every second and fourth week of the month on Wednesdays and Fridays. The goal of the partnership is to allow customers more time to ask questions and speak to DMV staff as they wait for their flights.

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June 27: Chino’s 5th Annual Art Uncorked
Proceeds will benefit the foundation’s youth scholarship fund which provides financial support to students living in the Chino Valley school district who are pursuing their passion for art, theater, dance or music..

Hands-on for life – CPR training on the sidewalk
The event was led by PVHMC’s director of cardiovascular services, Debbie Keasler, MSN, RN; chest pain coordinator, Tammy Freehling, RN, CCRN; and structural heart program coordinator, Cathy Gilbertson, RN, CCRN..

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July 11-21 Ophelia’s Jump Productions and Pomona College present The Taming of the Shrew and Pericles, Prince of Tyre, during 6th annual Midsummer Shakespeare Festival,.

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Coming September: Route 66 Cruisin’ Reunion
This annual event, held on the third weekend in September, is free to the public and encompasses approximately twentytwo city blocks with classic cars parking to show and shine plus cruisin’ for two days along the streets of downtown Ontario..