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This week in Foothills Reader
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Hope and purpose
The book traces Dinkel’s an extraordinary journey from suburban life to the founding of an international development organization in a war zone, including a near-death experience in a refugee camp and encounters with extraordinary people, including Mother Teresa.

At ONT: AtYourGate delivers food, convenience
“We have been looking forward to this day for some time and we couldn’t be more pleased to add a new level of convenience to the Ontario customer experience,” said Atif Elkadi, deputy chief executive officer of the Ontario International Airport Authority.

Next up Southland Symphony, Ontario Town Square
The Chino Hills Police Department will cover youth safety topics including trends in juvenile crimes, drug and alcohol abuse, and social media safety. Behavioral Health resource information will also be provided..

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Chino Valley Medical Center offers a Bereavement Support Group in partnership with VITAS healthcare,.

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Coming September: Route 66 Cruisin’ Reunion
This annual event, held on the third weekend in September, is free to the public and encompasses approximately twenty-two city blocks with classic cars parking to show and shine plus cruisin’ for two days along the streets of downtown Ontario..