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This week in Foothills Reader
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Secondo Guasti
Under Guasti’s leadership, the IVC acquired a total of more than 5,000 acres that stretched from Ontario to Fontana. More than 4,700 acres were planted to wine grapes, while the remainder of the land was set aside for the winery and what can best be described as a European agricultural estate.

Homeowners can be faced with double payments for the same job if the homeowner pays the direct or prime contractor, and he/she does not pay the subcontractor, laborer, or supplier.Amechanics lien becomes a recorded lien on the property title which can affect your ability to borrow against, refinance, or sell the property.

Day of event tickets will be sold beginning at 9:30 a.m. at Bellevue Memorial Park, with the tour to begin at 10:15 a.m. Tickets are $10 for Ontario Heritage Members, $15 for non-members, and children 12 and under without charge..

LA County Fair Goes POP!
The 97th anniversary of the LA County Fair is popping through Sept. 22, marking the annual return of the largest county fairs in North America to Fairplex. Ranked in the Top 10 among all North American fairs and exhibitions, 2018 saw more than 1.2 million visitors – and a popping 89 million visitors over the years.

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In Old Cucamonga desert, Guasti saw vintage glory
My father as vineyard foreman, my mother helped with bottling,” said Morra. “Before I was drafted, I worked summers for the winery’s machinist Vic Danzo, building and repairing cellar and vineyard equipment. We enjoyed life in Guasti very much.”.

Care, health and fun: September Senior Month at Brulte Center
Several special events have been created to celebrate with the entire community. The monthly dance for Senior Center Month is the Sock Hop Dance, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday, Sept. 20, for adults of all ages. Fifties attire is encouraged and light refreshments will be served.

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At ONT: AtYourGate delivers food, convenience
Ontario is the third airport in the western U.S. to welcome AtYourGate, which also serves customers at airports in San Diego and Portland. The app is available on Google Play for Android users and the Apple App Store..

Pomona Hospital recognized as Baby-Friendly Baby-Friendly
With nearly 6,000 births at PVHMC in 2018, the Hospital’s Women’s Center continues is committed to improving the safety and quality of care for women and their babies during labor and delivery – including gaining the confidence and skills needed to successfully initiate and continue breastfeeding.

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COLTON Ongoing Arrowhead Regional Medical Center offers maternity tours and preparation for childbirth classes regularly through its mother-baby unit,.

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Coming September: Route 66 Cruisin’ Reunion
This annual event, held on the third weekend in September, is free to the public and encompasses approximately twenty-two city blocks with classic cars parking to show and shine plus cruisin’ for two days along the streets of downtown Ontario..