Dear Readers,
In this year’s Best of the Southland, readers were once again asked to nominate their favorite businesses in a variety of categories – from Family Friendly Attraction to Vietnamese restaurant to Heating & Air Conditioning company and everything in between.
Then readers voted for their faves in five regions, reflecting The Times’ distribution areas:
• Orange County
• South Bay • Long Beach • South Los Angeles • Southeast Los Angeles
• San Fernando Valley • Ventura
• San Gabriel Valley • Inland Empire
• Westside • Downtown • East Los Angeles
All the votes have been tallied and now we’re excited to announce the businesses that were voted Best as well as all the Finalists in our regional 2023 Best of the Southland readers’ choice survey. You can also see the results for each region online at
The next time you’re planning a trip to a local casino, treating yourself to a day spa or deciding on a pest control company, look for the “Best of the Southland” seal, and you can be sure those businesses have excelled in providing a superior product and service. We thank you for supporting each and every one!
On August 6, the final round of voting starts and you’ll be able to help determine the Southland’s best of the best in each category. See you then!
– The Best of the Southland Team
Note: If your business was voted Best or a Finalist, please contact us to obtain your Best of the Southland certificate and social media kit to promote yourself. Email us at

This supplement did not involve the editorial or reporting staffs of the L.A.Times. Contact us with comments or questions at