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CAM Photo & Imaging welcomes you! At CAM Photo, the term “before and after”means that customersget service beforeand after making apurchase.

It’sbeen that wayat this popular photostore sinceopening in 1999; it has sincebecome famous for extremely knowledgeable, personalized service. Some classes areavailable.

The people who work here areinvolved in photography even outside of their jobs at CAM Photo, so their guidanceistruly expert and cansavecustomerstime, moneyand frustration by providing the right products at the start.

CAM Photo will saveyour digital images, photos, videos and movie film to adigital format foryou and your family.Selling film, film processing, camera batteries and memorycards areonly part of the supplies that this growing business sells, in addition to cameras, lenses and other photoneeds, including camerarepairsand passport,visa and ID photos formost countries.

Come on in and print your photos from your camera, phone or film!

CAM Photoislocated at 519 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Burbank,CA91502. Call us at (818) 841-5011.

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