Magnolia Island Car Wash is dedicated toproviding the highest-quality serviceand value toour customers. This is the fifthtime wehavebeen honored tobevoted the Best of Burbank,and wearetruly grateful tofor the support and recognition.

Our staff thrives on delivering outstanding customer service, supported by comprehensivetraining programs and safely maintaining the appearanceof vehicles.

The car wash strives forperfection, best-in-class customer service, security, safetyand providing customerswith Burbank’s best carwash and car-detailing experience.

Try our mechanic shop next door to the Magnolia Island Car Wash. Receivea free carwash with purchase of an oil change.

Magnolia Island Hand Car Wash is located at 910 W. Magnolia Blvd. For moreinformation call (818) 845-4821.

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