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Garri Dance Studio is entering its seventh decade of business in Burbank,and has been voted“Best DanceStudio”for the last 12 yearsrunning!

Inspiring students of all ages has remained the focus of Studio Owner/Director MeganBaade, along with her dynamic teaching team.

Garri Dance Studio has grownfromasmall, one-room dance studio intoamulti-faceted center forthe performing arts, providing students of all ages and abilities aquality education in dance, musical theatreand music.

Locatedinthe beautiful Magnolia Park District of Burbank,GDS wasdesigned to fitthe needs of its growing dancefamily.The stateofthe art facility features professional floating wood floors and high beam ceilings, with natural light pouring intoeach dance room.

One-on-one music instruction in piano,voice, and guitar is offered in the on-sitemusic room. Many parents enjoythe convenienceofhaving morethan one child in class simultaneously, saving valuable driving time to and from lessons each week.Plenty of streetparking is available fordrop-offs, as well as aconvenient parking lot behind the studio forthose who want to stay awhile.

The curated curriculum crescendos intothe annual recital, a special community event that Garri Dancefamilies look forwardto everyspring!

Garri Dance Studio is nowaccepting registrations for Fall 2018. Setupafreetrial lesson by calling the studio at (818) 846-4390. Visit www.BurbankDance.comtoview the class schedule and learn why hundreds of Burbank families continue to makeGarri DanceStudio their first choicefor dancesince1958!

Megan is a Burbank native who has called Garri DanceStudio her second home formorethan 30 years.

She started her dance journey at twoyears of age, and later assisted her danceteachersand began teaching her ownclasses at age18.

Miss Meganhas been working as the Owner and Artistic Director of the studio forthe last 16 years. She continues the legacy of this Burbank landmark,now entering its 7th decade of business in Burbank.

Miss Megandirects the curriculum at Garri Dance Studio,leading her dynamic teaching team and spreading the love of dancethroughout the community through programs she has createdwithin Burbank Unified School District.

Miss Megan is thankful to serve such incredible families year after year and lovessharing her passion with so many dancers!

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