Milt and Edie Chortkoff made the cleanersa24- hour operation in 2007 to provide customerswith the ultimateconvenience.
“ThereisnoplaceinBurbank,oranywhereelse in Southern California, to have cleaning and tailoring done any time of the day or night,” says Beth.
Whether youcome to Milt & Edie’s at 1:30 p.m. or 1:30 a.m., all services are available, including Two-hour Cleaning and Two-hour Shirt Laundryatnoextra charge.
“Our Tailoring Center is fully staffed with 15 tailorsand offersinstant alterations 24/7/365 at no extracharge,” Michael adds, noting no other cleaner canmakethis claim.
Foradded convenience, Milt & Edie’s also offersfreelocal deliveryseven days a week until 7p.m. …orlater!
Milt & Edie’s is located at 4021 W. Alameda Ave. in Burbank (at Pass) and canbe reached at (818) 846-4734 or on-line at