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East ValleyEye Center is proud onceagain to be voted“Best of Burbank”–now forthe 10th year (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2016, 2017 and again in 2018).

DoctorsKouroshEghbali and Farid Eghbali arebrothers, with morethan 37 years of experience collectively.

Theyhavehelped more than 26,000patients enjoyvision correction surgery and havegiven nearly 120 lectures and published morethan 30 articles.

Theyhavefurthered ophthalmology as facultyprofessorsfor multiple universities, including Jules Stein EyeInstitute, UCLA, Western University,Marshall Ketchum University,and Illinois University. Theyhavetrained hundreds of future doctors.

Theyhavetaken care of many celebrities and the “LADodgers” team playersfor many years.

Despitethat,“Ivieweach patient as acelebrity of our practiceand amember of ateam, thuswill be treatedequally,” said Dr.Eghbali.

Each is adoctor,author,educator,inventor,innovator, investigator, and most importantly,afather and ahusband. Theytreat youand your eyes with the highest levelofethics, alongwith medical and surgical expertise.The practiceisdedicated to givingyou the best eyecareexperience possible.

Please join other happypatients by visiting us at 2601 West Alameda Ave#204, in Burbank,, email us at, or call us at (818) 846-9999.

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