Executive Director or CEO
Louise Cohen
45 Broadway, Suite 530 New York, NY 10006
Phone Number
(212) 437-3953
Date Founded
Date CDFI Certified
CDFI Entity Type
A Low-Income Targeted Population nationally. (USA-LITPs)
CDFI Target Markets
Low income and Under-served communities
CDFI Loan Asset Classes
Traditional financing; Pre-development financing to support site acquisition, project planning, and development; Bridge financing to manage timing of receiving proceeds from foundation grants and capital campaign pledges; Construction financing; Short-term loans; Permanent financing, including recapitalization and term financing; New Markets Tax Credit Financing; Community Health Care Revolving Capital Fund (New York State only), Bond financing (New York Stateonly), Transformation Loan Fund; Provider Recruitment & Retention
States / Region of Operations
Geographic Concentration: CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, KS, LA, MA, NJ, NY, PA, TX, WA, WI
What is your AERIS rating? (AA+) 4Star
What percent of your board members are minorities? 29%