Dr.Lewit Worrell of Foothill ENT Care Specialists is changing the way sinusitis is treated by dramatically and instantly improving patients’ lives with anew in-office procedure.

This innovation in the treatment of debilitating sinusitis symptoms is called balloon sinuplasty. It is a balloon sinus dilation procedure that is so simple and quick it can be done in the physician’s office. It’s a wonderful alternative for those with chronic sinus problems and who have been taking multiple rounds of antibiotics or don’t like the idea of being knocked out for traditional sinus surgery.

Balloon sinuplasty is effective for treating patients diagnosed with recurrent or persistent sinusitis, a disease that impacts more than 35 million Americans annually.Performed under local anesthesia, balloon sinus dilation is a quick procedure that opens blocked sinus pathways by inserting and inflating asmall balloon. This restores drainage and offers instant life-changing relief that lasts.

Essentially,the procedure takes about an hour and is done under local anesthesia.

To find out if this balloon sinus dilation procedure is right for you, or to learn more about this procedure, visit www.foot hillentcare.com or call Dr. Worrell at 909-599-6611.

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