Have you ever heard the expression “The more things change the more they stay the same”? I am living in that quote. The solar industry is changing every day, and in so many ways it is almost back to where we started. This is especially true when it comes to financing. In 2007, money was flowing and it was easy to borrow in order to purchase a solar system for your home. Unlike most loans, you did not even need to budget for the monthly payment because when the loan payment started the electric bill stopped. Then we hit the economic crisis of 2008. Suddenly it was impossible to borrow any money. Seemingly overnight the solar industry stopped moving. And then the solar lease was born. Just like the robber barons of the

Old West, companies realized that a lot of money could be made off of people who just do not understand the full financial benefits of owning a solar system. For a couple of years, all the investors were only interested in backing leases. The return on investment was so amazingly high that there was literally no money left for financing an outright purchase. But consumers are wising up, and the lease market has slowed way down and the investors have turned back to financing purchases. So now I have some great news for you… Today I can offer you the ability to PURCHASE a solar system with NO MONEY DOWN. You will have a monthly loan payment that is roughly the same as or lower than your electric bill, and after 12 years you will own your system outright and have free electricity for your home. Buying a solar electric system for your home isn’t just good for the environment – it will also be the absolute best financial investment you have ever made.

Most solar customers realize a 20-30% return on their investment each year, and if you make a careful and intelligent purchase your solar system should last 50 years or better. That adds up to a lot of money in your pocket.

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