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What's new at Foothills ReaderCarden Arbor View student finishes first at Mt. SAC InvitationalThe race is designed to give runners an opportunity to compete against other runners they otherwise may not have had a chance to compete with on a very challenging course. Names such as “Valley Loop,” “Switchbacks,” “Poop Out Hill” and “Reservoir Hill” have become part of this famous cross-country legend for more than 65 years. Page 2 - no comments - 343 views  San Dimas HEROES dedicate completed veterans monumentA mural designed by San Dimas High School art teacher Dominic Black and painted with the help of his art students is planned to be in place for the monument dedication. It will be on the newly-constructed south wall of the monument, which will not be needed for the addition of veterans’ names until after the north wall has been completely filled. Page 2 - no comments - 281 views  Friendship Garden Club blossoming with new membersThe Friendship Garden Club recently installed four new members. Pictured from left to right: Officer Barbara Forgey, new members Phyllis Wenner, Jean Adair and Kaylan Borrego, Officer Gwen Paine, and new member Sharon Holltz. Members meet at noon on the fourth Thursday of each month at the Covina Woman’s Clubhouse, 128. Page 3 - no comments - 322 views  Padua Hills Art Fiesta returns todaySome local residents still recall the popular Art Fiesta held through the 1950s. Since 2011, the Claremont Museum of Art has continued the tradition with Claremontarea artists showing their work under the shady olive trees of the beautifully restored Padua Hills Theatre. Page 3 - no comments - 312 views  Chino Valley Medical Center earns excellence awardPrime Healthcare Services is pleased to announce that awardwinning Chino Valley Medical Center recently earned national recognition in categories that patients have identified as being the most important to the quality of their care. The National Research Corporation selected the Medical Center as a recipient of its 2013 Path to Excellence award. Page 3 - no comments - 286 views  Foothills ReaderYour community notes are welcome. Please submit community items, school notes, club releases and listings as Word documents attached to email. Photos should be attached as JPEGS at 300 DPI resolution. Send to Page 3 - no comments - 263 views  Charles Phoenix: Architecture in Los AngelesNov. 10: 5 p.m., Mudd Theater - Claremont School of Theology, 1325 N. College Ave. Tickets: $35 in advance at www., $40 at the door. Pop culture humorist Charles Phoenix’s adventure extravaganza in search of SoCal’s greatest undiscovered and underrated mid-century architectural gems and jewels past and present. Page 5 - no comments - 336 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARFree Yoga Class 9-10 a.m.; Aiko Institute, 4650 Arrow Highway D-6 Start Thanksgiving with some simple, relaxing exercises to get the juices flowing and energies balanced for the busy holiday. For more information, call 909-624-7770 or go to aikoinstitute. Page 5 - no comments - 294 views  LIBRARIESONTARIO Nov. 4 Employment workshop 10 a.m., Ovitt Family Community Library, 215 E. C St. Library staff will help attendees file an unemployment application online and design a resume. Participants will become familiar with local and federal resources and the California Employment Development Department. Page 6 - no comments - 259 views  ARTS CALENDAR‘Divinity Degenerate’ 8 a.m., University of La Verne, Tall Wall Space Gallery, 1950 Third St. The exhibit is an installation project by Mark Dean Veca and is on display through May 30. The gallery is open from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Mondays-Thursdays or by appointment. Page 7 - no comments - 305 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARSan Dimas Chamber of Commerce networking breakfast 7:30 a.m., San Dimas Golf Course, 2100 Terrebonne Ave. City Manager Blaine Michaelis will give an update on city projects that involve the business community. For more information, visit www. cityofsandimas. Page 7 - no comments - 270 views  60th Holiday Homes Tour plannedThe Auxiliary of Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center will host its 60th annual Holiday Homes Tour on Sunday, Dec. 8. Four homes, in Claremont and La Verne, will be featured on the tour as well as the La Verne Community Center. The center will host a Tea House where guests can relax with tea, cookies, live music and holiday gift shopping. Page 7 - no comments - 262 views  HOME OF THE WEEKThis two-story home sits on a prominent corner lot in North La Verne. It is completely renovated and has found a new owner. It was listed at $849,800 and sold 43 days later at $825,000. The 2,915-square-foot home, which was built in 1981, features four bedrooms and 3. Page 8 - no comments - 315 views  REAL ESTATE LISTINGSCLAREMONT 779 W. Seventh St. DATE: Sept. 18 PRICE: $560,000 BUYER/SELLER: Kevin Moffett and Corinna Vallianatos/ Katherine Carothers (trustee), Thomas Carothers (trustee) and Margaret E. Carothers (family trust) BED/BATH/SQ. FT.: 3/2.0/1,458. Page 8 - no comments - 309 views  Holiday season a perfect time to buy new homesFirst of all, sellers on the market at the end of the year are usually tired of showing their property and just want it sold. We see more price reductions in November and December than any other time of the year, and it is an excellent time to pick up a good bargain. Page 8 - no comments - 272 views 