Here comes Santa Claus
Children of all ages are invited to a Santa party from 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Dec. 7, at the Glendora Public Library, 140 S. Glendora Ave.
The event will feature crafts, refreshments, stories and a visit from Santa Claus. It is being presented in partnership with the Community Services Department and the Glendora Public Library, and sponsored by the Glendora Rotary Club and the GPL Friends Foundation.
For more information, call the Community Services Department at 626-914-2357 or the Glendora Public Library at 626-852-4891.
Exam proctors available
The Glendora Public Library offers proctoring services for written and online exams.
Cost is $35 per appointment. A minimum of a week’s notice is required.
For more information, contact the library at 626- 852-4891 or visit
Friends Plaza Book Loft has holiday gifts
The Friends Plaza Book Loft has a variety of coffee table books, children’s books and recent best sellers, as well as holiday greeting cards on sale.
Located on the second floor of the library at 140 S. Glendora Ave., the Loft sells gently used books, DVD’s, CD’s and magazines. Proceeds support the Glendora Public Library’s adult literacy, youth and teen programs, and provide funds for materials and programs that would not otherwise be possible.
Hours are from 9:30 am to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. For more information, call bookstore manager Kristy Batcheller at 626-914-8207.
Novel Idea
The Novel Idea book discussion group will meet at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 4, in the Friends Room of the Glendora Public Library, 140 S. Glendora Ave.
The meeting will be presented by the Glendora Public Library and GPL Friends Foundation.
Inspired shopping
the sale tables at the Glendora Public Library for bargains on
inspirational and coffee table books during the Super Eight-Day Sale.
The sale begins Thursday, Dec. 5, and runs through Dec. 14 on the main floor of the library.
Food, toiletries needed
A collection box has been set up on the main floor of the Glendora Public Library for donations to help Shepherd’s Pantry.
food and toiletries needed include canned goods such as vegetables,
beans, tuna and fruit; jars and packaged food such as rice, potatoes,
pasta, cereal, peanut butter and jelly; and non-food items such as
diapers, shampoo, deodorant, toilet paper, toothpaste and clothing.
For more information, contact the library at 626-852-4891 or www.