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Dec. 4 Community and Human Services Commission

7 p.m., Claremont City Council Chamber, 225 W. Second St. The city of Claremont Community & Human Services Commission will hold its monthly meeting. The meeting is open to the public. For more information, call 909-399-5470 or visit

Dec. 5 ‘In the Works...’

8 p.m., Pomona College, Pendleton Dance Studio, 333 N. College Way “In The Works…” is the annual fall concert by students of the departments of Dance at Scripps and Pomona colleges. The program will feature a variety of contemporary dance styles and in-progress works choreographed and performed by students. Additional performances will be at 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6 and 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7. For more information, call 909-607-2934 or 909- 621-8176.

Total Joint Preparation Class

10 a.m., Pomona Valley Health Center, 1601 Monte Vista Ave. Attendees will learn about preoperative readiness, hospital admission, surgery and postoperative recovery. Registration is required. For more information, visit or call 909-630-7403.

Holiday Mixer

5:30 p.m., Memorial Park, 840 N. Indian Hill Blvd. The Claremont Chamber of Commerce will present this event. For more information, call 909-624-1681, visit www.claremontchamber. org or email marlene@

Police Commission meeting

7 p.m., Claremont City Council Chamber, 225 W. Second St. The city of Claremont Police Commission will hold its monthly meeting, which is open to the public. For more information, call 909- 399-5411 or visit www.


A celebration of carols

Dec. 7: Windsong Southland Chorale, under the direction of Janet Harms, opens its 19th season with “A Celebration of Carols.” The Christmas concert begins at 7 p.m., Saturday at the United Methodist Church of La Verne, 3205 D St., La Verne. Highlights include performances of “Set Me as a Seal” by Rene Clausen, as well as “A Ceremony of Carols” by Benjamin Britten and “Christmas Oratorio” by Camille Saint-Saens. Advance tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students and $30 for families. Tickets are $20 at the door. For more information, call 909-983-9879.

Class of 2015 meeting

7 p.m., Claremont High School, 1601 N. Indian Hill Blvd. Claremont High School has scheduled a class of 2015 meeting in the 800 conference room. For more information, visit www.cusd-ecal01.

Dec. 6

Holiday Promenade and Tree Lighting

5 p.m., Historic Claremont Depot, 200 W. First St. The Claremont Chamber of Commerce is holding a special event featuring photos with Santa and one of his reindeer. The treelighting ceremony will start at 6 p.m. For more information, call 909- 399-5490 or visit www.

Dec. 7

An Olde English Christmas

3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Claremont United Church of Christ, 233 W. Harrison Ave. The Claremont Chorale will perform Christmas music old and new from the United Kingdom, including Benjamin Britten’s “A Ceremony of Carols” in honor of the composer’s centenary. Tickets cost $13 for general admission and $10 for students and seniors. For more information, visit www. or call 909-542-8340.

See also