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Two-Milk Minimum 4:30 p.m., Flappers Comedy Club, 532 W. First St. This weekly familyfriendly comedy show features magicians, jugglers, musicians, improv artists and puppeteers. For more information, visit, call 818-845- 9721 or email promotions@flapperscomedy. com.


Dec. 3 Associated Students of Citrus College meeting

2:40 p.m., Citrus College, 1000 W. Foothill Blvd. The meeting will take place in College Center 115. For more information, call 626-963-0323 or visit

Joint Chamber Holiday Mixer 5 p.m., Glendora Chamber of Commerce, 224 N. Glendora Ave. Glendora Chamber of Commerce will hold a networking event, Joint Chamber Holiday Mixer at Glendora Country Club. For more information, visit

Planning Commission meeting 7 p.m., City Hall, 116 E. Foothill Blvd. The city of Glendora will hold its bi-monthly Planning Commission meeting in Council Chambers. For more information, visit www.

Dec. 4 Glendora Chamber of Commerce Ambassador meeting 8:30 a.m., Glendora Chamber of Commerce, 224 N. Glendora Ave. Glendora Chamber of Commerce will hold an ambassador meeting. For more information, visit

U.S. Army representative visit 11 a.m., Citrus College, 1000 W. Foothill Blvd. Citrus College is hosting a visit by a U.S. Army representative. For more information, visit

Gamer’s Guild Club meeting 1 p.m., Citrus College, 1000 W. Foothill Blvd. The club will meet in College Center Room 115. For more information, call 626-963-0323 or visit

Citrus Swing Club meeting 2 p.m., Citrus College, 1000 W. Foothill Blvd. The Citrus Swing Club will meet in College Center Room 131. For more information, call 626-963-0323 or visit

Parents support group for children with diabetes 7 p.m., Foothill Presbyterian Hospital, 250 S. Grand Ave. Foothill Presbyterian Hospital is hosting a support group for parents of children with diabetes. For more information, call 626- 857-3477 or visit www.

Dec. 5 Business Improvement District Advi sory Board meeting 8:30 a.m., City Hall, 116 E. Foothill Blvd. The city of Glendora will hold its monthly Business Improvement District Advisory Board meeting. For more information, visit www.

Anime Connection meeting 10 a.m., Citrus College, 1000 W. Foothill Blvd. This weekly meeting will take place in College Center Room 115. For more information, visit

Legislative & Economic Development Committee meeting Noon, America’s Christian Credit Union, 2100 E. Route 66 Glendora Chamber of Commerce will hold its Legislative & Economic Development Committee meeting. For more information, visit www.

Campus Activities Board meeting 2:40 p.m., Citrus College, 1000 W. Foothill Blvd. Citrus College hosts a weekly meeting of the Campus Activities Board in the Campus Center Room 131. For more information, visit

Lions Club of Glendora meeting 7 p.m., Glendora Continental Restaurant, 316 W. Route 66 Meetings are held on the first and third Thursday of the month. For more information, visit sites/glendora.

Dec. 6 Foster & Kinship Care Education Advisory Committee meeting 11 a.m., Citrus College, 1000 W. Foothill Blvd. The Citrus College Foster & Kinship Care Education Advisory Committee will meet in the College Center East Wing. For more information, call 626-963-0323 or visit www.citrus


Dec. 7 Christmas at the Rains House 3 p.m., John Rains House, 8810 Hemlock St. The city of Rancho Cucamonga is sponsoring a guided tour of the historic Rains House. Enjoy hot cider and homemade cookies, as well as traditional holiday music. Admission is $3 for ages 12 years and older, $2 for ages 5-11 and free for children younger than 5. For more information, call 909-989-4970 or visit


Dec. 7 Christmas Parade and Holiday Faire 10 a.m., City of Upland, 460 N. Euclid Ave. The parade will begin at 11 a.m. in downtown Upland. The fair will feature crafts, food and live entertainment, as well as a visit by Santa Claus. For more information, call 909- 931-4399 or visit www.

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