It was 1892 when C.C. Graber purchased land in Ontario and quickly discovered how wonderful olives, as cured by earlier ranchers, could be.

Graber called olives one of the finest food delicacies of California. And after research and study of this method used by earlier ranchers, he cured several barrels of his own. The following season, a much greater quantity was demanded by neighbors and friends who had eaten from the original barrels. Thus began Ontario’s oldest existing business.

Ontario’s oldest business

More than 120 years later, Graber olives continue to be enjoyed by generations of families not only in California but throughout the world. They are fully tree-ripened with delicate rich flavor.

The succulent texture and nut-like appearance of the Graber olive is difficult to describe. This rare combination of delicious flavor and succulence keeps family and guests asking for more.

Graber olives are allowed to mature on the trees to a cherry-red color, which denotes tree-ripeness. The tender tree-ripened Graber olives are carefully hand-picked and cured in covered vats without being oxidized. After the curing and canning processes, the olives are of varying shades of nut-like color.

With the Graber process, the natural full flavor and succulence of the tree-ripened olives have been preserved. A rare delicacy has been created.

Mission San Diego de Alcala

Californians of today are indebted to the 

foresight of the Franciscan missionaries from Spain who planted the first olive trees at the Mission San Diego de Alcala in 1769. Olive trees flourished in this land of favorable climate and soil and were enthusiastically planted on the great ranches that made early California so colorful. It became a tradition of the early Californians to set their tables with plenty of fruits and wine, and they included olives whose nut-like flavor and healthfulness was highly esteemed.

Visiting Graber House

The historic Graber Olive House, which was founded in 1894, sits in a pleasant residential area north of Ontario’s business district, just minutes from the Ontario International Airport. Here in quiet and serene surroundings, visitors are welcomed and delighted to discover a bit of early California. Tours are available throughout the year, and in the fall visitors may view the many activities that center around the long and careful tradition of grading, curing and canning Graber olives.

Browsing is encouraged in the shops, which offer a variety of fine Graber products.

The Graber Olive House is open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily, except major holidays. Tours are available on request. For more information, call 800-996-5483.

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