Game day for teens

Teens in grades seventh through 12th are invited to a game day at the Claremont Library, where they can play Beatles Rockband or a variety of board and card games.

The fun will begin at 2 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 21, at the library, 208 N. Harvard Ave.

Admission and refreshments are free. For details, call 909-621-4902 or visit

Winter shelter open

The East San Gabriel Valley Coalition for the Homeless coordinates a nightly winter shelter through March 1. The shelters rotate between churches in the San Gabriel Valley.

Those in need of emergency shelter are encour aged to go to one of the listed pick-up points for free transportation rather than the site address unless otherwise indicated.

Most shelters open at approximately 5 p.m.

For more information on daily pick-up transportation sites and other homeless resources, call the winter shelter hotline at 800-339-6993 or go online to

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