CLAREMONT June 8 Steve Comba: ‘Arboretum’ 10 a.m., Rancho Santa Ana Botan c Gar en, 1500 N. College Ave. Rancho Santa Ana Botan c Gar en s feat r ng an exh b t t tle Steve Comba: “Arboret m.” For nformat on, v s t www.c s.
Claremont Symphony honors James Fahringer 3:30 p.m., Br ges Hall of M sc, 150 E. Fo rth St. The Br ges Hall of M s c presents a Claremont Symphony performance of Wolfgang Ama e s Mozart’s “P ano Concerto No. 23 n A major” by Robert Sage an other p eces to honor ts late rector James Fahr nger. For more nformat on, v s t
June 20 Open Mic Night: Spoken Word 6:30 p.m., B hamo se Empor m, 134 Yale Ave. B hamo se Empor m w ll host ts monthly Open M c N ght: Spoken Wor , nten e for ages 17 an ol er. The event prov es a chance for local wr ters to share the r own works. Reg strat on s enco rage by ema l ng somellonow@, w th Open M c N ght n the s bject l ne. For more nformat on, v s t www.c .claremont. ca. s, call 909-626- 3322 or ema l charlotte@b ha mo
ONTARIO June 8 ‘Then
and Now’ Noon, Chaffey Community Museum of Art, 217 S. Lemon Ave.
Chaffey Community Museum of Art Spotlight Gallery is featuring “Then and
Now.” The mixed media with abstract watercolor exhibit will feature the
work of Beverly Hoyos. For information, visit www.
George: Artistic Explorer’ Noon, Chaffey Community Museum of Art, 217
S. Lemon Ave. Chaffey Community Museum of Art Line Gallery is featuring
“Robert George: Artistic Explorer.” For information, visit www.
Court’ Noon, Chaffey Community Museum of Art, 217 S. Lemon Ave. The
Chaffey Community Museum of Art South Gallery is featuring the “Honor
Court” exhibit. The exhibit will feature the members of Mid Valley Arts
League who have been selected to be on the Honor Court in recognition of
their status as professional recognized artists. For information, visit
Blend’ Noon, Chaffey Community Museum of Art, 217 S. Lemon Ave. The
Chaffey Community Museum of Art Main Gallery is featuring the “Premium
Blend” exhibit. The exhibit will feature a body of work produced by Mid
Valley Arts League. For more information, visit www.