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CLAREMONT June 22 Claremont Farmers & Artisans Market 8 a.m., City of Claremont, 131 S. Spring St.

The Claremont Farmers & Artisans Market is located on Second Street between Indian Hill Boulevard and Yale Avenue. For information, call 909-626-3066 or visit June 23 Maternity Orientation 7 p.m., Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, 1798 N. Garey Ave. Pomona Valley Health Center Women’s Center in Pomona is hosting a Maternity Orientation class. Attendees will learn

about the center and its labor, delivery, recovery rooms and postpartum suites. Registration is required. For information, visit

Breast cancer support group 7 p.m., Pomona Valley Hospital Cancer Care Center, 1910 Royalty Drive Pomona Valley Hospital Cancer Care Center will host its free, monthly breast cancer support group. For more information, visit www.

June 24 City council meeting 6:30 p.m., City of Claremont City Council, 131 S. Spring St. The city of Claremont will hold its city council meeting. For more information, call 909- 399-5460 or visit www.

June 25 Yoga class 9 a.m., Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, 1500 N. College Ave. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden will offer its weekly yoga class, led by Karen May. Participants should bring a bottle of water and wear comfortable shoes and clothes.

Registration is requested. The cost is $10 per class for garden members or $12 for nonmembers and $50 a month for members and $63 for nonmembers. For more information, call 909-625-8767 or visit

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