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LA VERNE June 29 Club meeting 2 p.m., La Verne Bicycle Coalition, 2705 Mountain View Drive The La Verne Bicycle Coalition will meet at the Hillcrest Homes Meeting House. The group is open to cyclists and those interested in bicycle and pedestrian safety. For more information, visit www. or email Brian Bennett at bkbennett@

June 30 Windsong Southland Chorale rehearsal 6:30 p.m., United Methodist Church of La Verne, 3205 D St. The United Methodist Church of La Verne will host the Windsong Southland Chorale rehearsal. New singers are welcome. For more information, call 909- 983-9879, visit www. or email Marilyn Sousa at July 2 Connection Luncheon 11:45 a.m., Sierra La Verne Country Club, 6300 Country Club Drive La Verne Chamber of Commerce will hold its Connection Luncheon at Sierra La Verne Country Club. Tickets are $20 for members or those with reservations; $30 at the door. For more information, visit

July 4 Annual Fourth of July Parade 10 a.m., Bonita High School, 3102 D St. The city of La Verne will host its annual Fourth of July Parade. It will start at Bonita High School and weave through town. For more information, visit

July 6 Boys of Summer 6:30 p.m., Heritage Park, 5001 Via De Mansion Boys of Summer will perform at Heritage Park as part of the La Verne Concerts in the Park. Boys of Summer is an Eagles tribute band. For more information, call 909-293-9005 or visit CLAREMONT June 29 Piano Sunday with Patrick Vargas 6 p.m., The Press Restaurant, 129 Harvard Ave. The Press Restaurant will feature a performance by Patrick Vargas. For more information, visit www. or call 909-625-4808.

July 1 Creative Imagery and Deep Relaxation 10 a.m., Pomona Valley Hospital Cancer Care Center, 1910 Royalty Drive Pomona Valley Hospital Cancer Care Center will host its free weekly Creative Imagery and Deep Relaxation class. Participants should bring a pillow, blanket and mat. For more information, visit

July 2 Yoga class 9 a.m., Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, 1500 N. College Ave. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden will offer its weekly yoga class, led by Karen May. Classes are held inside or outside depending on the weather. Participants should bring a bottle of water and wear comfortable shoes and clothes. Registration is requested. The cost is $10 per class for garden members or $12 for nonmembers and $50 a month for members and $63 for nonmembers. For more information, call 909-625-8767 or visit

July 3 Baby Express 6:30 p.m., Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, 1798 N. Garey Ave. Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center in Pomona is hosting Baby Express. Attendees will learn how to get ready for the new baby experience, including car seat safety, breastfeeding basics, baby care, bathing, diapering and more, according to the Pomona Valley Hospital. Registration is required. The cost is $40. For more information, visit

The Rushingwind Project 7 p.m., Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, 1500 N. College Ave. The Rushingwind Project will perform at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden. The Rushingwind Project performs Native American flute and jazz/blues.

For more information, call 909-625-8767 or visit

July 4 Fourth of July Celebration 4 p.m., Memorial Park, 840 N. Indian Hill Blvd. The city of Claremont will host its Fourth of July Celebration in Memorial Park, starting with a parade at 4 p.m. Then, gates open at 6:45 p.m. at Pomona College for the city’s patriotic concert and fireworks display. For more information, call 909-399-5490 or visit July 7 The Ravelers 7 p.m., Memorial Park, 840 N. Indian Hill Blvd. The Ravelers will perform at Memorial Park.

The Ravelers performs classic rock. For more information, call 909- 399-5490 or visit www.

GLENDORA June 29 Fab 8 6 p.m., Glendora Chamber of Commerce, 224 N. Glendora Ave. Fab 8 will perform at Bandshell in Finkbiner Park as part of the Glendora Community Services and Kiwanis Club Concerts in the Park. For more information, visit July 1 Summer BBQ 5 p.m., Visiting Angels of Glendora, 131 E. Foothill Blvd. Visiting Angels of Glendora will hold Summer BBQ, a charity event to benefit Partners of La Fetra. Suggested donation is $10. For more information, call 626- 852-3302, visit www. or email Justine Corwin at July 2 ‘Frozen’ movie showing 7 p.m., Finkbiner Park, 160 N. Wabash Ave. “Frozen,” rated PG will be shown at the bandshell in Finkbiner Park as part of the Glendora Community Services and Glendora Rotary’s Movies in the Park. For more information, visit www.glendora-chamber. org.

July 9 ‘Monsters University’ 7 p.m., Glendora Chamber of Commerce, 224 N. Glendora Ave. “Monsters University,” rated G, will be shown at the bandshell in Finkbiner Park as part of the Glendora Community Services and Glendora Rotary’s Movies in the Park. For more information, visit ONTARIO June 30 Hoop for Better Health 3:30 p.m., Anthony Munoz Community Center, 1240 W. Fourth St. Anthony Munoz Community Center is offering a Hoop for Better Health program. Participants will learn the basis of Hula-Hooping through exercise and dance. A Hula-Hoop workout both strengthens the core and calms the mind, according to the Anthony Munoz Community Center. For more information, visit www.

July 1 Personal Fitness Group 8 a.m., Veterans Park and Community Center, 1257 E. D St. Veterans Park and Community Center is offering a Personal Fitness Group program for ages 18 and older. Participants will work directly with staff in developing an outsidebased workout routine and learn proper gym equipment use, stretching and muscle development, according to the Veterans Park and Community Center. For more information, visit

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