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What's new at Foothills Reader Ontario Mills to host Firefighter Combat Challengecanceled last month due to problems with planning and logistics. The Firefighter Combat Challenge approached the Ontario Fire Department for help, and with the assistance of the Greater Ontario Convention and Visitors Bureau and Ontario Mills, was... Page 1 - no comments - 728 views  David & Margaret mentors provide loving presence for foster chilVolunteers are the lifeblood of any nonprofit organization, and David & Margaret Youth and Family Services in La Verne is no exception. During 2012, 110 volunteers and mentors donated 3,400 hours of their energy, time and expertise to the agency, which is best known for its residential foster care program for girls ages 11-18. Page 1 - no comments - 569 views  COMMENTARY: FIGHTING POVERTYThe recent Give Big San Bernardino County campaign was an example of how, collectively, we can make a difference. The one-day web-a-thon raised nearly $550,000 – well above the $300,000 goal. More important, it highlighted the great work our not-for-profit organizations do. Page 1 - no comments - 543 views  Chino Valley Medical Center recognized as Honor Roll Hospital“Our goal at Chino Valley Medical Center is to provide the highest quality care, be one of the best places to receive care, to work and to provide medical care,” says John Blenkinsopp, the hospital’s chief nursing officer administrator. Page 2 - no comments - 1,804 views  SAN DIMAS BRIEFSProvided as a free courtesy service, Petfinder is an additional tool to help the San Dimas community reunite lost pets with their families. Page 2 - no comments - 689 views  Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center ranked among bestPomona Valley Hospital Medical Center (PVHMC) has been ranked as one of the best hospitals for 2014-15 in the Los Angeles metro area by U.S. News & World Report. The annual U.S. News Best Hospitals rankings, now in its 25th year, recognizes hospitals that excel in treating the most challenging patients. Page 3 - no comments - 1,739 views  Battle for Merced’s love altered our historyIn addition to dealing with the investigation into her husband’s murder – one in which she was a prime suspect – a contin gent of regional political leaders and ranchers descended on the rancho to force the young widow into signing over power of attorney to the rancho to her brother-in-law, Rancho Chino owner Robert Carlisle. Page 4 - no comments - 676 views  LIBRARIESONTARIO Aug. 11 Online Employment workshop 10 a.m., Ovitt Family Community Library, 215 E. C St. A free Online Employment workshop, for ages 18 and older, will teach participants about “filing online unemployment applications and designing resumes,” according to Ovitt Family Community Library. Page 4 - no comments - 579 views  Flashback Classic Car and Motorcycle ShowThe Flashback Classic Car and Motorcycle Show will take place at Glendora Village Plaza. For more information, visit Page 5 - no comments - 749 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARAug. 11 Women with Cancer 7 p.m., Pomona Valley Hospital Cancer Care Center, 1910 Royalty Drive Pomona Valley Hospital Cancer Care Center is sponsoring a Women with Cancer support group meeting. No registration is required. For more information, visit www. Page 5 - no comments - 665 views  ARTS CALENDARONTARIO Aug. 10 Noon, Chaffey Community Museum of Art, 217 S. Lemon Ave. Chaffey Community Museum of Art Spotlight Gallery is featuring an exhibit titled “Love in the Big Top.” The exhibit will feature the work of Kirk Kain, according to the Chaffey Community Museum of Art Spotlight Gallery. Page 7 - no comments - 676 views  Henna Body ArtHenna Body Art has been scheduled at Buddhamouse Emporium, intended for ages 17 and older. The smallest designs start at just $5. For more information, visit Page 7 - no comments - 654 views  Beginning InternetA free Beginning Internet class, for ages 18 and older, will teach participants “how to use search engines, how to navigate the web and how to buy online,” according to Ovitt Family Community Library. For more information, visit www. or call 909-395-2004. Page 8 - no comments - 761 views  REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS757 W. First St. DATE: July 1 PRICE: $499,000 BUYER/SELLER: Michael Sami Soliman/Ali E. Nikookar and Bibi N. Hosseinian Family Trust, Bibi Nayyereh Ziaeian Hosseinian (trustee) and Ali Nikookar (trustee) BED/BATH/SQ. FT.: 3/3/1,450. Page 9 - no comments - 1,119 views  517 Baseline Road, La VerneThis spacious, custom-built home sits on a fully landscaped lot with a gated pool and spa. It was listed at $775,000 and sold for $753,000 after 82 days on market. The home features five bedrooms, three bathrooms and 3,100 square feet. It was built in 1982 on a 28,385-square-foot lot. Page 9 - no comments - 704 views  Get wise to water use: Brown is not new greenWhile searching online for direction on how many days and how long sprinklers should run to keep lawns and shrubs healthy, I discovered a website with a precision approach to watering. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California offers tips on how you can use your sprinkler system more efficiently at www. Page 9 - no comments - 576 views 