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What's new at Foothills Reader More ghosts along old Mother RoadHere in the foothills, they simply connected sections of the most historic roads in California history: the El Camino Real, the Old Spanish Trail (itself an extension of the Santa Fe Trail), the Mojave Trail, the Mormon Road and others to build America’s Mother Road. Page 1 - no comments - 528 views  Victory danceThanks to receiving 81,445 online votes (out of nearly 430,000 total votes cast) for its video, Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center will receive a $15,000 donation from Medline to the hospital’s breast cancer charity of choice, the Susan G. Komen The hospital also raised more than $2,000 for Susan. Page 1 - no comments - 523 views  Shepherd’s Pantry sets Oct. 25 anniversary eventShepherd’s Pantry’s mission is to provide emergency food, clothing and emotional support to needy families in times of crisis and to provide the tools and resources to help families become selfsufficient. The vision is to strengthen families for stronger communities. Page 3 - no comments - 544 views  ULV’s Kechichian is CFO of the YearThe struggles never derailed Kechichian’s determination to attend college. He came to the U.S. with only a few articles of clothing and $300 in his pocket to attend the American Armenian International College. He began working odd jobs to help pay his tuition. Page 4 - no comments - 764 views  History of Glendora post offices on displayThe post office display features a timeline that shows all of the post 1886. Items on display include stamp-collecting memorabilia, postal carrier uniforms and badges, much more.. Page 4 - no comments - 573 views  Ontario-Montclair YMCA to host vet prayer breakfasttickets are still available, although space is limited and early reservations are recommended. For ticket or sponsorship information, contact the Ontario- Montclair YMCA at (909) 986-5847 or tim@. Page 4 - no comments - 539 views  COMMUNITY CALENDAROct. 14 Creative Imagery and Deep Relaxation 10 a.m., Pomona Valley Hospital Cancer Care Center, 1910 Royalty Drive Pomona Valley Hospital Cancer Care Center will host its free weekly Creative Imagery and Deep Relaxation class. Participants should bring a pillow, blanket and mat. Page 7 - no comments - 588 views  LIBRARIESOct. 22 Local History & Film Screening: ‘White Zombie’ 6 p.m., Carnegie Cultural Center, 123 D St. A screening of “White Zombie” will be shown at the Carnegie Cultural Center, hosted by Upland Public Library. For more information, call 909-931-4205 or visit www. Page 8 - no comments - 652 views  Integrated Watershed ManagementOct. 18, 10:30 a.m., Claremont Library, 208 N. Harvard Ave.: The Claremont Library presents Mark von Wodtke, who will speak about issues such as managing the Wilderness Park to capture and retain runoff, drought protection and the increasing intensity of... Page 8 - no comments - 603 views  REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS295 W. Radcliffe Drive DATE: Aug. 28 PRICE: $567,000 BUYER/SELLER: Rahul Dwivedi and Reena Mishra/Phillip Y. Koldewyn (trustee), Wilma H. Koldewyn (trustee) and the Phillip and Wilma Koldewyn 2002 (revocable trust) BED/BATH/SQ. FT.:. Page 11 - no comments - 732 views 