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What's new at Foothills Reader

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Pilgrim Place Festival
Last weekend’s Festival at Pilgrim Place brought friends and visitors for gentle good times. Visitors enjoyed the campus and company of residents, food, booths and fellowship.
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What lies beneath in our very own Elizabeth Lake?
From Lon Chaney’s sympathetic portrayals of disfigured “monsters” like the Phantom of the Opera to resurrected prehistoric lizards in the atomic age to today’s never-ending franchises of digitally-created space aliens; monsters have always been good to Hollywood.
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Pomona students explore health jobs
More than 400 students and their parents from Po- out the region delved into the world of forensics and infectious diseases, explored an anatomy lab and learned investigative procedures from the Pomona Police Department as part of the Pomona Health...
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The Claremont Chorale schedules “Mary’s Lullaby”
The Claremont Chorale schedules “Mary’s Lullaby”.
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Pomona Valley Hospital certified for palliative care
said PVHMC’s Palliative Care Leader Sandra Fuentes. “This award reinforces the Palliative Care team’s dedication to improving the quality of life of our terminally ill patients and their families.
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Author discusses book at local senior care facility
“I wanted to show that San Antonio Heights has a history all its own,” Hutter said. “We’re important, too, even though we’re in the shadow of Los Angeles.” Dr. Depak Sheth, a San Antonio Heights resident, attended Hutter’s talk and said he was fascinated by what he learned.
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Roland’s is a hidden treasure
The Christmas and holiday lines are selected for being in fashion and the best quality available. And Roland’s natural products have a 64-year-old reputation for This year’s hit has been décor. Roland’s is proud to also carry a small line of American-made ornaments and Christmas-themed accessories.
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Sculptor Svenson’s works on display starting Dec. 19
John Svenson, a fellow of the prestigious National Sculpture Society, has an illustrious career spanning nearly 70 years. A native of Southern California, he studied art at Claremont Graduate School and worked alongside other famous local artists, including sculptor Albert Stewart and artist/designer Millard Sheets.
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Mark P. Tolan invited to attend Barron’s Top Advisors Summit
The exclusive conference brings together the advisors and industry decision makers, and is designed to promote best practices and generate new ideas across the industry. Attendees participated in workshops led by advisors who were.
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Teen Holiday Party 3:30 p.m., Ovitt Family Community Library, 215 E. C St. The Ovitt Family Community Library will hold a special event, Teen Holiday Party, for ages 13 to 18 years. The event will feature how to make easy holiday crafts, play games and decorate gingerbread men.
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Big Brother Big Sister class 10 a.m., Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, 1798 N. Garey Ave. Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center will offer its monthly Big Brother Big Sister class for expectant siblings. This class is for ages 3 to 6 and costs $10. Registration is required.
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Property tax transfer OK’d for San Bernardino
San Bernardino County had been reluctant to opt in to Prop 90 over concerns of declining property tax revenues, but a county-commissioned study determined that the ancillary benefits of such an ordinance by attracting an economically stable class of home buyers clearly outweighed the marginal negative impacts.
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