LA VERNE Dec. 1 La Verne Academy Lecture series Noon, University of La Verne, 1950 Third St. University of La Verne presents Christine Broussard, who will speak on how exposure to environmental toxins affects a fetus’s immune system. The lecture will be held in the president’s dining room. For more information, visit
Windsong Southland Chorale rehearsal 6:30 p.m., United Methodist Church of La Verne, 3205 D St. The United Methodist Church of La Verne will host the Windsong Southland Chorale rehearsal. New singers are welcome. For more information, call 909-983-9879, visit or email Marilyn Sousa at marilynsousa011@
Dec. 3 Holiday Connection Luncheon 11:45 a.m., Hillcrest,
2705 Mountain View Drive La Verne Chamber of Commerce will hold its Holiday Connection Luncheon at Hillcrest. The luncheon will feature door prizes and ornament exchange. Tickets are $25 per person. For more information, visit www.
University of Notre Dame Hesburgh Lecture Series: ‘Save Our Schools, Save Our Country, and Save Your Family’ 7 p.m., Damien High School, 2280 Damien Ave. University of Notre Dame Hesburgh Lecture Series presents Brian Collier, who will speak on the topic “Save Our Schools, Save Our Country, and Save Your Family” at Damien High School. Collier is a professor at the University of Notre Dame. For more information, visit www.
Dec. 4
Las Posadas celebration 5:30 p.m., University of La Verne, 1950 Third St. University of La Verne is holding a Las Posadas celebration, a Christian event held primarily in Latin America and the U.S. to signify Mary’s nine months of pregnancy before the birth of Jesus, according to the university. It will be held at Interfaith Chapel, main campus. For more information, visit www.
Dec. 7 Winter Choral Showcase 6 p.m., University of La Verne, 1950 Third St. Morgan Auditorium is holding a Winter Choral Showcase featuring the University of La Verne Chamber Singers. Admission is a suggested donation of $20. For more information, call 909- 448-4408 or visit www.
Dec. 8 La Verne Academy
Lecture Series: ‘Motivators and Outcomes of Faculty Action Toward International Students: Under the Influence of Internationalization’ Noon, University of La Verne, 1950 Third St. University of La Verne presents Yingxia Cao and Amy Jiang, who will speak on “Motivators and Outcomes of Faculty Action toward International Students: Under the Influence of Internationalization” at the president’s dining room. For more information, visit www.
Celebration of Bodhi Day Noon, University of La Verne, 1950 Third St. University of La Verne is holding a Celebration of Bodhi Day, a Buddhist holiday marking the day Siddhartha Gautauma experienced enlightenment. It will be held at the Interfaith Chapel, main campus. For more information, visit
GLENDORA Dec. 2 American Red Cross holiday blood drive 9 a.m., Citrus College, 1000 W. Foothill Blvd. Citrus College is holding a special event, American Red Cross holiday blood drive, at the Campus Center East Wing. For more information, visit www.
Glendora Woman’s Club meeting
10:30 a.m., Glendora Womans Club, 424 N Glendora Ave Glendora Woman’s Club is holding a Christmas program luncheon meeting featuring the Bonita High School Choral group directed by Todd Helm. The group will perform a Christmas program titled Music for the Holidays. For more information, call 626- 335-8911, visit www. glendorawomansclub. org or email k.babineau@yahoo. com.