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What's new at Foothills Reader Jonathan Reed named ULV provostReed’s academic quali- achievements, understanding of the academic and student support needs at La Verne, and vision for our future success have positioned him to be a successful provost, leader and collaborator at the University of La Verne for years to come,” said University of La Verne President Devorah Lieberman. Page 2 - no comments - 887 views  Change up holiday floralsHere’s a look at the class schedule for December: 9 a.m. Dec. 27 – Rose Pruning 10 a.m. Dec. 28 – Fruit Tree Pruning Each class will be instructed by a certified nursery professional who will offer timely gardening advice and hands-on demonstrations. No advance registration or RSVP is required to attend, except for this month’s Make N’Take class. Page 3 - no comments - 497 views  LIBRARIESLibrary Board meeting Dec. 16 2- to 3-Year-Old Story Time. Page 4 - no comments - 563 views  Blind Boys of Alabama debut at Lewis Family PlayhouseThe Blind Boys have earned praise for their re markable interpretations of everything from traditional gospel favorites to contemporary spiritual material. The Blind Boys of Alabama Christmas Show will showcase the band performing selections from their new album, along with Christmas classics and other gems from a 70-plus-year career. Page 4 - no comments - 505 views  ARTS CALENDARDec. 18 Baldy Mountain Jazz Band Dec. 21 ‘Annual Messiah Community Singalong’. Page 6 - no comments - 625 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARDec. 16 Creative Imagery and Deep Relaxation 10 a.m., Pomona Valley Hospital Cancer Care Center, 1910 Royalty Drive Pomona Valley Hospital Cancer Care Center will host its free weekly Creative Imagery and Deep Relaxation class. Participants should bring a pillow, blanket and mat. Page 7 - no comments - 475 views  REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS1424 N. San Dimas Ave. DATE: Nov. 3 PRICE: $695,000 BUYER/SELLER: Cynthia Sailor/James J. III and Samantha L. Merrill BED/BATH/SQ. FT.: 4/2/2,322. Page 8 - no comments - 486 views 