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How quickly 2014 has passed and we sudourselves just days away from a new year.

’Tis the season of Celebrating our blessings, mourning losses, pondering all that has changed and much that has remained constant over the past 12 months.

Even as we enjoy great peace and safety as a nation, there is much unrest.

Even as we appreciate many modern luxuries, we are threatened by a deep drought. Even as the economy improves, too many families continue to struggle to make ends meet.

Robert Kennedy once said, “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.” So, as we think about the coming year, how can each of us send out a ripple of hope? We may not have the skills to change the world, but how can we start in our own neighborhood?

One volunteer Kathleen Thornton is a retired Rancho Cucamonga resident who has been volunteering in our community for years. Helping three days a week at United Way’s HandsOn volunteer program, Kathleen has found her place to give back.

“You will feel no greater satisfaction than by volunteering. Just one smile or thank you will make your day,” said Kathleen. “There is no greater gift than giving your time to a worthy cause. When I get home at night now, there is something on my face that hasn’t been there in a long time. That something is a smile!” Throughout our community, there are amazing organizations needing volunteers of all ages and backgrounds. Helpers are needed to sort food for the hungry, mentor or tutor youth, help homebound seniors, work in gardens, help students applications, and assist in So, what will you do in the coming year? Visit www.HandsOnInlandEm- to send forth a ripple of hope in 2015.

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