CLAREMONT 306 W. Seventh St. PRICE: $440,000 BUYER/SELLER: Patricia A. and Stanley W.
Brown/Barry L. Miles Sr. (trustee), Miles Family Trust and Maureen Miles (trustee)
4368 Padova PRICE: $921,500 BUYER/SELLER: Hai Jung Suh/Augusto R. and Stella B. Cruzalegui 1439 Whittier Ave. PRICE: $582,000 BUYER/SELLER: Diana E. and John A. Salas/Deanna Lee Hardy (trustee), Laddie Marion Hardy (trustee) and Laddie Marion Hardy and Deanna Lee Hardy Family Trust
1015 E. Belmont Abbey Lane PRICE: $1.5 million BUYER/SELLER: Johnathon and Sophia Jiang/Shi Yi and Shih I. Chou
760 Santa Clara Ave. PRICE: $625,000 BUYER/SELLER: Mary J. Crosby-Bennett/Dis claimer
Bypass Wilson (trust) and Susan J. Wilson (trustee)
726 Earlham Drive PRICE: $461,500 BUYER/SELLER: Nariman Siddiqui/Angelo D. Capriotti (trustee), M. Esther Capriotti (trustee) and Capriotti Revocable Family Trust
1055 Harvard Ave. PRICE: $700,000 BUYER/SELLER: Scripps College/ Clark Family Trust, Larry D. Clark (trustee) and Sharon T. Clark (trustee)
611 Purdue Drive PRICE: $750,000 BUYER/SELLER: G. Pedicgo Gary (revocable trust) and Gry G. Pedigo (trustee)/ Arthur L. Steffen and Janet H. Steffen Family Trust, Joanne Lawshe (trustee), Paul Steffen (trustee) and Phillip L. Steffen (trustee)
749 W. First St. PRICE: $494,000 BUYER/SELLER: Jenss Chang and Christopher Mills/Lilia Amarillas
GLENDORA 1358 Bonnie Cove Ave. PRICE: $527,000 BUYER/SELLER: Nicole M. and Ryan T. Chavez/Ajg Realty Inc.
1506 Forest Oaks Drive PRICE: $685,000