POMONA COLLEGE MATH PROFESSOR WINS TOP AWARD Shahriari has received what is widely considered the top national prize in teaching mathematics will come as no surprise to the hundreds of students who have taken classes from him in his 25 years Claremont. ciation of America (MAA) bestowed Shahriari with the 2015 Deborah and Award for Distinguished in January at the annual Joint Mathematics Meetings, where Shahriar to Mathematics: Does it Matter? What Can We Do Access, in fact, is one of several reasons that Shahriari, the William of Mathematics, won the prize. When he was associate dean, he wrote the original grant proposal and co-designed the curriculum of the Summer Scholars Enrichment Teaching and math Shahriari grew up in that valued teachers was a distinguished high school math teacher with a national reputation who that, with patience and persistence, everyone can be successful in math- in his response to the award. Shahriari [is] rare in his humanity and dogged drive to improve and expand his teaching capaci- ’10, sharing that he asks students for feedback on his workbooks and class structure. A graduate of Oberlin College, Shahriari University of Wisconsin, Madison. He’s published three edited volumes and more than 50 articles, and serves on the board of Order. Among his article co-authors, he lists 23 undergraduate students. See also