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What's new at Foothills Reader Canyons of the West“Canyons of the West” will kick off Hillside Fine Art’s second season of paintings and shows, beginning Wednesday, Feb. 4, with an evening reception with all six artists of PAC6 in attendance 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7.. Page 2 - no comments - 839 views  Local celebs support Winter BenefitOn Feb. 19, awardwinning television journalist and NBC veteran Mary Parks and KFROG radio personality Christy McLeap will be cohosting the 2015 Challenge for Children Winter years of broadcasting experience, they will bring their wit and passion to some 500 guests gathered to improve the lives of Inland Empire youth. Page 2 - no comments - 761 views  Claremont Colleges gets $1 million grant for diverse facultyA new $1 million grant to The Claremont Colleges — Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, Pitzer, Pomona and Scripps—will push forward efforts by this group of small, academically-rigorous institutions to create a more diverse faculty for America’s colleges and universities. Page 2 - no comments - 730 views  Palomares Academy, WesternU launch dental clinicThe Palomares Academy of Health Sciences recently held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of a new school-based oral health center operated in partnership with Western University of Health Sciences’ (WesternU) College of Dental Medicine. Page 3 - no comments - 1,413 views  America’s Christian Credit Union gives back in big wayThe holiday campaign began with a drop off for the Holiday Basket Program sponsored by the Glendora Community Coordinating Council. The food drive helped feed more than 250 families in the San Gabriel Valley and provided grocery gift cards for Thanksgiving. Page 5 - no comments - 757 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARfundraising event 4 p.m., Upland Outback Restaurant, 530 N. Mountain Ave. Upland Outback Restaurant will host the Las Tias educational fundraising event to benefit Las Tias. Funds will be used to help support tutoring in 10 local high schools, according to Las Tias. Page 7 - no comments - 826 views  REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS4368 Padova PRICE: $921,500 BUYER/SELLER: Hai Jung Suh/Augusto R. and Stella B. Cruzalegui 1439 Whittier Ave. PRICE: $582,000 BUYER/SELLER: Diana E. and John A. Salas/Deanna Lee Hardy (trustee), Laddie Marion Hardy (trustee) and Laddie Marion Hardy and Deanna Lee Hardy Family Trust. Page 8 - no comments - 807 views 