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What's new at Foothills Reader Plein air artist Michael Obermeyer opening solo show at HillsideMichael Obermeyer, Signature California Art Club member and long- time Laguna plein air painter, will have a solo show at Hillside Fine Art in Claremont in March. The show is entitled “Michael Obermeyer’s Canvas: The Beach and Beyond.” Obermeyer is a master at creating atmosphere in his landscape and urban paintings. Page 1 - no comments - 1,316 views  Warriors benefit: ‘A Night in Paris’Casa Colina has reached out to wounded members of the armed services, many of whom have been referred to them by the Department of Defense, the Veterans Administration hospitals and others. Most of these soldiers suffered traumatic brain injuries while in Iraq and Afghanistan; their lives have been changed dramatically by devastating injuries. Page 1 - no comments - 544 views  Racing through college“I was immediately treated like a celebrity,” says Palmer. “Everyone wanted my picture and an autograph. It was quite humbling. At the airport, the porters wanted my hat. It was a very surreal experience.... Everything since then has been a whirlwind.”. Page 1 - no comments - 483 views  ‘Opera Talks’ returning to Glendora LibraryThe Glendora Public Library and the GPL Friends Foundation are partnering with the LA Opera to present a series of “Opera Talks.” The series is presented by the Speakers Bureau, which is LA Opera’s team of trained volunteer experts.. Page 1 - no comments - 470 views  Free classes, garden party at ArmstrongGuests are invited March to enjoy complimentary appetizers and wine (ages 21+) while gaining the latest inspiration for gardening projects and home decorating. From creating sensational spring containers to planting an edible garden to adding new décor to your home patio, Armstrong Garden Centers is the premier destination for homeowners this spring. Page 2 - no comments - 597 views  LIBRARIESDigital Photography 5:30 p.m., Colony High Branch Library, 3850 E. Riverside Drive Digital Photography will be offered for 16 years and older, according to Colony High Branch Library. Ruben Rodriguez will lead the class. For more information, visit Page 4 - no comments - 699 views  REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS237 W. Fifth St. DATE: Feb. 10 PRICE: $500,000 BUYER/SELLER: Marc T. and Trisha Sarkissian/ Cheryl A. and Mark Chiappelli BED/BATH/SQ. FT.: 3/2/1,506. Page 4 - no comments - 685 views  Mexican Cuisine with Chef Marco ZapienHarvard Ave. The Claremont Library will hold Mexican Cuisine with Chef Marco Zapien, for ages 18 and older. It will include demonstration and tasting of Mexican cooking. For more information, visit Page 4 - no comments - 650 views  Claremont Pie Festival 2015Claremont Village will hold its Claremont Pie Festival 2015. The festival will include contests, baking demonstrations and more. For more information, visit Page 5 - no comments - 729 views  ARTS CALENDARLA VERNE March 1 “Essence in Pictures: Photography as a Collective Microtome” 9 a.m., University of La Verne, 1950 Third St. Irene Carlson Gallery of Photography - University of La Verne is featuring an exhibit, titled “Essence in Pictures: Photography as a Collective Microtome. Page 6 - no comments - 677 views  Go high-tech and never get locked out of your house againA free app or a small FOB allows you to unlock your door without digging in your bag for loose keys. Plus, it’s easy to let a repair person or the dog sitter in when you’re not home. Check out these 4 new nokey-required locks.. Page 7 - no comments - 640 views 