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My internal alarm clock went off at 6 a.m.

I drug myself out of bed and was halfway to the bathroom for my morning shower “I have no place to go.” After more than 20 years of working full time as a writer for a local newspaper, I am no longer so employed.

And what will I do with that time? After a few days of being off I started experiencing Sudden Unemployment Syndrome; symptoms include, but are not limited to: hiding under the covers, panic attacks and the constant self-questioning of “did I dream that?” On the plus side, husband Dan still has a job. This makes the difference between having to tighten our belt and the need to try and pawn said belt.

But then, I am writing again – even as I write this. My friend Steve, the editor of this publication and long-ago former editor of my former publication, shot me a cute email inviting me to continue the column for Foothills Reader. I accept.

Family ideas Our older son Kevin is counting on baby-sitting services; our younger son Scott believes I am now his personal assistant who can search the Web at a moment’s notice.

My mother, who owns a car but hates to drive it, has been calling almost hourly excited to share with me all the places I can now take her.

And then there’s my sister Tracy, who is thrilled that I now have the time to work on crafting her a “killer resume” so she’ll land that dream job. Well, she’s dreaming — I don’t do

Charge by hour? I wonder if they’d still want my help if I started to charge them by the hour for services rendered?

Then, of course, there are all the things that I’ve been meaning to do, but have never had the time, like going through old photos, cleaning out the garage, plant a garden, use the stove for cooking instead of just storing things inside...