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What's new at Foothills Reader

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Spring Commencement draws nearly 1,400 graduates
The University awarded bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees during two ceremonies – one in the morning for the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education and Organizational Leadership, and an afternoon ceremony for the College of Business and Public Management.
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Jones Junior High students receive college grants
Five students from Baldwin Park’s Jones Junior High will receive $2,000 Education Trust Awards to defray college costs thanks to California GEAR UP, a program designed to boost higher education enrollment by low-income students..
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Citrus College: 1st 100 years of excellence
In the state, Citrus College has received commendation as a leader in developing and awarding Associate Degrees for Transfer, or ADTs, which allow students to transfer to the California State University system with junior standing. This month, we expect to break another college record by awarding more than last year.
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David & Margaret, Disney, KaBOOM! get playful
Family Services. “Up until this amazing opportunity we received from KaBOOM! and Disney, it has been cost prohibitive. We can’t say enough about how excited our students and clients were to be a part of building this playground for them.” Play is central to a child’s ability to grow into a productive adult.
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Glendora Kiwaniannes award arts grants to teachers
The $2,500 awarded this year came from a successful April Community Tea. More than 150 people attended the tea, which included a fashion show and themed tea tables decorated by club members and members of the community..
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Walker Music Competition
The John Child Walker Music Competition recently celebrated its 60th year in a ceremony at Bridges Hall of Music, Claremont. Coordinator Artemis Bedros introduced of Pomona Valley. Competition winners in each division were acknowledged, those medals and cash prizes were awarded.
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NOEL Committee honored for Nativity art preservation
The City of Ontario Model Colony Awards Program 2015 winners include the fund raising “We are honored to be recognized by the City of Ontario for this prestigious award,” Krouse said.
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Armstrong Garden Centers
Armstrong Garden Centers invites California gardeners of all skill levels to free classes. Scheduled workshops for June include:.
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Armstrong students relive history
Armstrong students relive history.
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New Millikan Laboratory opens at Pomona College
The new features include: Digital planetarium with a 360-degree immersive view of the night sky; an 80-100 seat colloquium; a large 50- seat classroom; six math classrooms, including three 30-seat classrooms and an applied math lab; outdoor physics labs;.
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425 S Glendora Ave. $389,990 209 Martindale Way $399,900 761 W Citrus Edge St. $379,900 817 S Lope Ln. $414,888 165 Oak Forest $450,000 228 W Bennett Ave. $515,000 1304 Cossacks Pl. $537,000 423 E Bougainvillea Ln. $589,000 943 E Dalton Ave. $675,000 153 Underhill Dr.
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Keep your trees alive through the drought
Front yards are disappearing as homeowners try to use less water and cash in on rebates for turf removal. In doing so, the normal source of water for most trees will also be removed.
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