Talk may center on termites when it comes to wood destroying pests, but there is another type of organism that can take a toll on the structural integrity of your property. The recent tragedy in Berkeley after a wood balcony failed shows the potential danger of untreated dry rot.
What is dry rot? Dry rot is the decay of wood caused by certain fungi. When dry rot occurs, the fungus breaks down parts of the wood that give it strength and stiffness.
Weakened wood is typically somewhat dry, hence the name - dry rot. Weakened wood may also appear brittle and have a blocky appearance. Dry rot will only affect timber that is exposed to excessive moisture. The dry rot fungus transports water from wet areas to dry areas allowing the fungus to grow in and infect dry wood, and if not stopped the dry rot fungus will weaken the wood to the point of disintegration.
Prevent or else
Once wood rot takes hold, your only options are expensive repairs and replacement of the rotted parts.
The best defense against rot is to make an annual tour of your house to inspect trouble spots, particularly framing members, plywood sheathing, trim, balconies, decks and stairs. Initially the fungus looks like cotton wool, and may have water droplets on the surface.
Look for sunken or shrunken wood, darkening and cracks in the wood structure, or affected wood that has surfaces to see if they are soft or crumble easily. Use an awl to probe wood framing members. Or call a reputable termite company to make a thorough inspection. Most companies will do a free inspection for termites and wood destroying fungus.
Preventing dry rot
Do your best to limit exposure of wood in your home to moisture. Have your roof checked regularly to identify and prevent leaks that can lead to water damage, mold or dry rot.
Clean your gutters regularly to prevent clogs that could cause water to back up and spill onto fascia and siding. Dry rot is commonly caused by plumbing leaks so check underneath vanities, cabinets, and around toilets.
Clean out dirt, leaves and twigs between decking boards that may trap moisture. Scrape, sand, prime and paint cracked and peeling paint surfaces to maintain the integrity of wooden areas on your property.
Adriana Donofrio - Podley Properties Glendora 626 914-2904 adrianad@podley.com