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What's new at Foothills Reader Chaffey District, CSSB set guaranteed admissionsLaura is ranked near the top of her class with a 4.6 grade point average and has taken numerous Honors and Advanced Placement classes. She tutors other students and volunteers with the Ronald McDonald House and UNICEF. She hopes to study biology at Michigan and someday become a pediatrician. Page 3 - no comments - 750 views  I Will Ride: APU Citrus CollegeGlass art panels were installed onto the Ticket Vending Machine canopy at the APU/Citrus College station this week. Station artist Lynn Goodpasture, shown, based the design on the California palms that line Palm Drive near the station. The Foothill Gold Line from Pasadena to Azusa is more than nearly 90 percent complete. Page 8 - no comments - 722 views  Women’s Clubs mark accomplishments at 59th Annual ConventionDistrict Chairmen were recognized for their service during the past year and presented their awards in the areas of: Arts, Advocates for Children, Conservation, Home Life, Leadership, Communications & Public Relations, Domestic Violence, Education,... Page 8 - no comments - 515 views  RECENT HOME SALES1222 S. Barranca Ave. $295,000 1131Strawberry Ln. $336,000 853 W. Orangepath St. $421,000 1418 E. Foothill Blvd. $430,000 147 W. Payson St. $438,000 726 S. Pennsylvania Ave. $440,000 640 Dornie St. $446,000 211 W. Glen Lyn Dr. $450,000 1950 Driftstone Dr. $465,000 202 W. Page 10 - no comments - 536 views  Protect your home from wood rotTalk may center on termites when it comes to wood destroying pests, but there is another type of organism that can take a toll on the structural integrity of your property. The recent tragedy in Berkeley after a wood balcony failed shows the potential danger of untreated dry rot. Page 10 - no comments - 480 views 