CHINO Ongoing Chino Valley Medical Center presents Living with Diabetes, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. every fourth Wednesday in the hospital Library, 5454 Walnut Ave., Chino. This class will provide general information for a better understanding of what it means to have diabetes. The class includes meal planning, carbohydrate counting, insulin and oral drugs, complication prevention, foot care and community resources.
Rembrandt Club Holiday Tea, Bake Sale and Children’s Party, with music, wassail and syllabub, and a visit from Santa, will be held from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the Seaver House, Pomona College, 305 N. College Ave. Admission is $7 at the door and $20 for four purchased in advance. Children 5 and under are free. Proceeds support the Junior Art Student Summer Research Grant. Event information: (909) 981-7245.
Dec. 6 Claremont Heritage Holiday Flea Market, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Garner House Courtyard, Memorial Park, 840 N. Indian Hill Blvd., Claremont. The event will feature more than 20 vendor booths with vintage and collectable items just in time for holiday shopping.
Ongoing Claremont Farmers & Artisans Market, 8
a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays, rain or shine, at North Indian Hill Boulevard
at West 2nd Street. The Farmers & Artisans Market was founded in
1996 to connect California farmers and artisans to the local community.
More than 100 grower and artisan members share goods and services
throughout the year. For more information, call manager Oscar G. DeLeon
at (714) 345-3087.
Pomona Valley Amateur Astronomers meet
monthly at 7:30 p.m., at Harvey Mudd College, R. Michael Shanahan
Center, Room B460, 320 E. Foothill Blvd. The meeting is open to the
public. For more information, visit www.PVAA.US.
Kiwanis Club of Claremont invites
local residents interested in serving their community to learn more by
attending one of their meetings, held at noon every Thursday at the St.
Ambrose Church Fellowship Hall, 830 W. Bonita Ave., Claremont. The
Mission of Kiwanis is to serve the children of the world, one community,
and one child at a time. The Claremont Kiwanis Club works with the
Claremont School District, the city of Claremont, Claremont Education
Foundation, Shoes That Fit, Meals on Wheels, Special Olympics and much
more. For more information, contact Jess Swick at (909) 621-2996. Also,
the Kiwanis invites community residents with one hour of time to spare
on a weekly basis to sign up and become a reader for the club’s “READ
ME” program in preschool classrooms. Call (909) 624-6395 email
Photography by Chris Darrow Opening Reception will
be held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Claremont Heritage Ginger Elliott
Exhibition Center, in the Garner House at Memorial Park, 840 N. Indian
Hill Blvd., Claremont. For more information, visit
or call (909) 621-0848.
The Friends of the Claremont Library will
host the group’s twice yearly sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the
Community Meeting Room of the Claremont Library, 208 Harvard Ave.,
Claremont. Items on sale include historical, literary, classic,
whimsical and glorious books. Cash, checks and credit cards are
accepted. Members receive a 10 percent discount on all purchases.
Memberships are available online at and at the
COLTON Continuing Arrowhead Regional Medical Center offers
maternity tours and preparation for childbirth classes regularly
through its mother-baby unit, of the hospital at 400 N. Pepper Ave.,
Colton. In addition to tours and classes for new parents, ARMC offers
new parents support and education before they leave the hospital. For
more information, or to register for a tour or childbirth class, call
(909) 580-3174.
DIAMOND BAR Friends of the Diamond Bar Library Friends’ Book Group meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at Basically BOOKS on Golden Springs Road. New members are always welcome.
Basically BOOKS, the
Friends of the Diamond Bar Library’s is looking for volunteers to staff
both locations at 23447 Golden Springs Road. All proceeds from both
Basically BOOKS Diamond Bar Library. For more information, call
bookstore manager Peggy Murphy at (909) 938-0382 or email peggymurphy08@
Nov. 29 Everybody’s Birdmart, Expo Hall 4. Admission for adults is $10, free for ages 11 and younger. Parking is $10 at Gate 17 on Fairplex Drive.
Dec. 2 Prolong Twilight Cruise, 3
p.m. to 7 p.m., Fairplex, lower administration lot, 1101 W. McKinley
Ave., Pomona. Enjoy hundreds of hot rods, classic cars and even a few
vintage race cars on display. Parking is available at Gate 2 on McKinley
Avenue. Free admission.
Dec. 4-6 Harvest Festival, 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday, at Expo Hall 4. Enjoy three days of shopping, stage and
strolling entertainment and festival food all for
the price of one ticket, which is good for all three days. Admission is
$9, $7 for ages 62 and older, $4 for ages 13-17, and free for ages 12
and younger. Parking is $10 at Gate 17 on Fairplex Drive.
Dec. 6 Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show, 5
a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, Main Lot. This event features hardto-find car
parts, customs and classics. Admission is $10, and free for ages 12 and
younger. Parking is $10 at Gate 17 on Fairplex Drive.
Dec. 12-13 Holiday Half Marathon, times
vary from 7 a.m. Saturday to noon Sunday, at the Fairplex campus.
Parking is $10 at Gate 9 on White Avenue. Info:
GLENDORA Continuing Glendora Historical Museum welcomes
an exploration of Glendora history on the fourth Friday of the month.
The museum is open for research from 2 p.m. to 4 pm. Visitors can search
the files with assistance from the staff, listen to stories or view
interviews on tape of Glendora’s more colorful residents, or just spend
more time viewing the displays showcasing Glendora’s history. For more
information, call (626) 963-0419.
Ever driven by the Rubel Castle and
wondered what it is all about? You can tour the Castle and learn about
Michael Rubel and his quest to build it. The tours are led by docents,
some of whom have personally worked to help construct the Castle. Cost
is $10 per person. Go to the Glendorahistoricalsociety. org website and
book your tour online.
You could become a docent. If
you’ve always wanted to spend a little of your free time learning and
sharing information about Glendora’s history – sign up to become a
member of the Glendora Historical Society. Become a volunteer and assist
at the Museum or at the Castle. Contact (626) 963-0419 or visit the
website www. glendorahistoricalsociety. org.
GFWC Federated East Valley Woman’s Club is
looking for members. The organization meets on the first Thursday of
the month at the Peppertree Café, 1020 Route 66 in Glendora. With a
motto of “Unity in Diversity,” we promote education, families,
conservation, seniors and participation in the arts. Meetings begin with
6 p.m. dinner and activities at 7 p.m. For more information, call (909)
Windsong Southland Chorale, under
the direction of Dr. Janet Harms, will present “A Christmas Tapestry,” 7
p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6 at Rock of the Foothills Lutheran Church, 4630
Wheeler Ave., in La Verne, corner of Wheeler and Baseline. Dr. Harms has
put together a marvelous array of unusual songs. Featured is the First
Movement of Gloria, by René Clausen. Now in its 21st season, the
Chorale will return to Carnegie Hall in May for the fifth time, to
perform the full Gloria. La Verne resident and composer of note, Shawn Kirchner, will be represented by several songs in the program.
is the organist at the Church of the Brethren in La Verne, and also the
Composer-in-Residence for the Los Angeles Master Chorale. Space is
limited. Call (909) 983-9879.
Ongoing GFWC La Verne – San Dimas Woman’s Club meets
at 7 p.m. the third Thursday of the month at the Meeting House in the
Galen Walker Board Room, located at Hillcrest, 2705 Mountain View Drive,
La Verne. The club is a member of the General Federation of Women’s
Clubs based in Washington, D.C. The newly-formed club is looking for
members, and has scheduled its meetings in the evenings as a convenience
for working women who may want to join. For more information, call
Linda at (909) 593-3906.
Pomona Valley Art Association Holiday Boutique, 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Gallery SOHO, Montclair Plaza, second level. Cost is $15. Info: kathleenmccallartist@
Christmas on Euclid Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony, featuring cookie decorating, food and
a holiday movie in the park, will be held from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., at
Ontario Town Square, 224 N. Euclid Ave., Ontario. The tree-lighting
ceremony marks the beginning of the annual two-day, holiday festival.
For more information, visit
Dec. 5 Christmas on Euclid Arts and Craft Fair will
be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Ontario Town Square. Euclid Avenue will
be transformed into a whimsical winter wonderland with blockupon-block
of twinkle lights, rides, ice rink, real snow hill and carriage rides.
Dec. 6 Assistance League of the Foothill Communities will
host its 37th Annual Christmas Tree Brunch, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Ontario. Beautifully decorated Christmas
trees and under-the-tree treasures are a traditional feature of the
event and are showcased throughout the ballroom and raffled off. The
event will also feature a silent auction, live auction, door prizes and
cash drawing. Tickets are $100. Proceeds to benefit Operation School
Bell, San Antonio Regional Hospital Dental Center, AL Teddy Bears,
Fostering New Beginnings and the Las Tias Auxiliary, which supports
academic tutoring programs at 10 local high schools. Call Kelly
Bocanegra at (909) 560-7108 for reservations.
Ontario Toy Run, 11
a.m., Ontario Elks Lodge, 1150 W. 4th St., Ontario. Pomona Valley
Harley owners group and ABATE Local 19 will present the 27th annual Toy
Run, which will include hourly prize drawings, vendors, food and
beverages. Entry fee is $10 plus one new, unwrapped toy. Toys will be
donated to Santa Clause Inc. of the Chaffee District. Info: Contact
Yadira Chavira at (909) 438-6126 or yadi19.yc@, or Diane Davis at (909) 969-1576 or
Year round Chaffey Community Museum of Art (CCMA) is located in the historic 1919 Ontario Power Company building in the
Arts District of downtown Ontario. Admission to the Museum is free and
ample parking is available. Hours of operation are Thursday-Sunday from
noon to 4 p.m., or by special appointment. The Museum is located at 217
S. Lemon Ave., Ontario, one block east of Euclid Avenue, and two blocks
south of Holt Boulevard, across the parking lot from the Museum of
History & Art, Ontario. For more info call (909) 463-3733.
Under Pressure: curated by Todd A. Smith.
Fyrewurks: curated by Cheryl D. Cooper. 
Long Day’s Journey into Night: Aleta Jacobson.
Summer by the Shore: from CCMA’s collection.
Exhibition Schedule
Through Nov. 29: Color, Colour, Kuhler – Steven Long (watercolor)
Through Dec. 27: On the Edge – Florence Arnold (from CCMA’s collections)
Through Jan. 3: Affect/
Effect – curated by Steve Thomas and featuring artists Stephen Berman,
Steve Cahill, Doug McCulloh, William Percell, Herb Quick, Michael Stapko
and Steve Thomas.
Through Jan. 3: Abbreviated Field Guide to Affectation – curated by Steve Thomas (photography)
Through Jan. 10: Create! CCMA Annual Members Exhibition
Nov. 26 – Jan. 10: AIR Sale (Artist Inventory Reduction) All works of art priced at $25, $50, $75 or $100
Dec. 3 – Jan. 24: Strange and Whimsical Art – Back to the Beginning – Ellen Zimet watercolor.
Ontario Museum of History and Art is
located at 225 South Euclid Ave., Ontario. Gallery hours are from noon
to 4 p.m., Thursday through Sunday. Admission is free. Call (909)
395-2510 for information and program reservations.
The Frostig Center will
host a presentation by educational consultant Dr. Barbara Hoskins,
titled “Strategies for Success: Focusing on Executive Functioning,” at 7
p.m. at the Frostig Center, 971 N. Altadena Drive, Pasadena. Dr.
Roberta J. Goldberg, director of the Frostig Center’s Consultation and
Education Department, will facilitate a Q-and-A period immediately
following. Admission is free but an RSVP is requested by Nov. 30 to Info: (626) 791-1255 or
POMONA Every month on the
second Saturday, Art Walk brings big crowds to the streets of Pomona,
from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Dozens of galleries host artist receptions for
their latest exhibits. Many shops, studios and restaurants
open late. There is no better way to get a feel for the lively community
that hundreds of artists have built here. Experience the diverse array
of top quality jewelry, mixed media, painting, photography and more.
American Museum of Ceramic Art presents
RE-MADE: Contemporary Approaches to Factory Ceramics, through December.
In the 16th century, Europe and Asia gave rise to porcelain animals,
people and scenes of everyday life. The miniature sculptures were high
in demand as and privileged aristocratic life styles. Once factories
mass-produced the table ornaments, they became commonplace items and
later, castedoff objects. RE-MADE features three artists who collect
under-appreciated new life. AMOCA will also showcase selections from its
Permanent Collection
alongside the works of the three artists. These works will highlight
both national and international ceramic factories. AMOCA is open from
noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday; 399 North Garey Ave., Pomona.
Through Dec. 18 Open Enrollment through School District will
be held through Dec. 18. The program provides parents with the
opportunity to choose a school that interests of their child, as well as
explore the district’s award-winning programs and high-quality
instructional curriculum. Applications are available online at
and are due before 4 p.m., Dec. 18. For more information, call Pupil
Resources at (909) 397-4648, ext. 28200.
Nov. 24 The Musicians’ Club of Pomona Valley will
present Gian Carlo Menotti’s opera “Amahl and the Night Visitors” at
7:30 p.m., Nov. 24, Pilgrim Congregational Church Hall, 600 N. Garey
Ave., Pomona. Admission is free, although contributions to the John
Walker Music Competition are appreciated.
Dec. 1 17th Annual Tree Lighting and Photos with Santa, 5
p.m., Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center, Pitzer Auditorium and
Patio, 1798 N. Garey Ave., Pomona. The lighting of the 65-foot tree atop
tower begins at dusk. The event will also feature holiday music from
the Garey High School String Ensemble, cookies, candy canes, hot coffee,
cider and cocoa, as well as photos with Santa and a coloring and crafts
area for children. Admission is free. Info: (909) 865-9500.
Dec. 6 The Auxiliary of Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center Holiday Homes Tour 2015 will
be held from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the historic Lincoln Park
neighborhood of Pomona. Three historic homes will be on display, decked
out in festive holiday décor. All proceeds and Hospital Assistance Fund.
Advance tickets are $27 at Claremont Village Treasures, 141 Yale Ave.,
Sonja Stump Photography, 135 W. First St. in the Claremont Village, the
Volunteer online at PVHMC Holiday For more information, call
the at (909) 865-9669.
Alternate weeks Rancho Cucamonga Vets Support Group advocates
and supports military veterans of all ages. Meetings are 6:30 p.m. on
alternate Wednesdays at the Rancho Cucamonga Resource Center, 9791 Arrow
Route. For more information and meeting dates contact Mike at (909)
989-2258 or (909) 240-5731.
Assistance League of the Foothill Communities’ Thrift Shop is
located at 8555 Archibald Ave., Rancho Cucamonga. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4
p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. For information, call (909) 484-7853.
SAN DIMAS Ongoing and seasonal San Dimas Historical Society, the Walker House, 121
N. San Dimas Ave. The San Dimas Historical Society preserves the
history of San Dimas by bringing together those people interested in
Southern California regional history, especially the history of San
Dimas. The society continuously discovers and collects items that
illustrate the history of San Dimas. Open 1-4 p.m. Tuesdays and
Museum and Gift Shop: 1-4
p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on 4th Sunday of the
month. Also, 6-8 p.m. when the Festival of Arts Second Story Gallery is
open, on most 2nd and 3rd Friday and Saturday nights.
Docentled Tours: 11
a.m. and 1 p.m., fourth Sunday of the month; reservations recommended,
but not required. Information: (909) 592-1192; email
UPLAND Nov. 26 8th Annual Upland Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk and 1K Kiddy Trot: Early
morning, times vary, prices vary $15 to $30. The event will be held at
San Antonio Park, at Mountain Avenue and 24th Street, Upland, and
supports the Upland High School Cross Country Team. For more info, call
(909) 931-4280.
Dec. 5 Breakfast with Santa, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., Gibson Senior Center, 250 N. Third Ave., Upland. For more information, call (909) 931-4280.
Dec. 11 Gibson Holiday Breakfast, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., Gibson Senior Center Dining Room, 250 N Third Ave., Upland. Cost is $5. For more info, call (909) 981-4501.
Dec. 12 39th Annual Upland Christmas Parade & Holiday Faire, 10
a.m. to 3 p.m., Parade at 11 a.m. in Downtown Upland at Second Avenue
and 9 Street. Highlights include food and craft vendors, live
entertainment, Santa and a parade. For more information, visit www. or call (909) 982-8010.
Legends of Doo- Wop Concert, 7
p.m., Highlander Auditorium, 850 N. San Antonio Ave., Upland. The
unforgettable doo-wop sounds that filled the airwaves during the 1950’s
and 1960’s will come to life again when three of the era’s celebrated
groups perform at the Legends of Doo-Wop concert. The Marcels, Jimmy
Beaumont and The Skyliners, and Charlie Thomas and the Drifters will
help ring in the holiday season with their classic hits. Tickets range
from $39 to $89. For more info, contact Don Goethals at (951) 317-2155
Weekly/Monthly Senior Billiards Tournament, last
Monday of each month, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.: Ages 55+, $5 includes lunch,
arrive at 11:30 a.m.; Gibson Senior Center Billiards Room, 250 N. Third
Ave. Info: (909) 981-4501.
Clutter Chaos, every
Tuesday, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.: – Ages 55+ FREE Selfhelp group to deal with
personal clutter. Gibson Senior Center Arts & Crafts Room, 250 N.
Third Ave. (909) 981-4501.
FREE Tech Help, every
Thursday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. – Ages 55+, bring your digital gadget and
ask questions one on one. Gibson Senior Center, 250 N. Third Ave,
Upland. (909) 981-4501.
Adults Arts and Crafts Club: Every
second Saturday of the month at 10:30 a.m. Upland Public Library Brodie
Room. Do you have a creative side? Do you envy kids for their craft
times? This is your chance to enjoy your own arts and crafts time! Each
month we will feature a craft for you to work on. Just show up – we will
supply the tools and materials!
Paw Stars: First
Saturday of the month from 11 a.m. to noon, Upland Public Library –
Children’s Section. Paw Stars gives children the opportunity to
strengthen their reading skills by reading to one of our registered
therapy dogs. This is a drop-in program.
Teen Gaming: First
and last Thursday of the month, 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Upland Public
Library, Brodie Room. Get your game on with our brand new Wii-U! Play
games like Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros.! We’ll also have board
games available like Apples to Apples and Monopoly.
Teen Craft: Every
Second Thursday of the month, 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Upland Public
Library, Brodie Room. From ideas on Pinterest to YouTube, we’ll be
tackling some fun DIY ideas. Stop by to make some cool gadgets with us!
Carnegie Cultural Center: Upland
Library can help you improve your English; speak better, read better,
get a better job, meet your goals. Students are matched with a tutor to
study basic, conversational ESL instruction provided by volunteer
tutors. Materials provided. To sign up, please contact Literacy
Coordinator Liz Barbee at (909) 931-4211.
Ongoing Adult Programs Computer Classes: Every
Monday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. If the month has five Mondays, then class
will be canceled on the fifth Monday. Upland Public Library, Brodie
Room. Learn how to use a computer on one of the library’s Chromebooks.
The classes will cover logging on and off, connecting to the Library’s
wireless network, using the keyboard and touchpad, browsing the web, and
using email. You will also learn how to use the Library’s resources and
online databases. You just need an Upland Public Library Card with
Internet access to attend.
Movie Night for Grown-ups: Every
Third Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m., Upland Public Library, The
Brodie Room. Come and mingle with other adults in our wonderful
community for a spectacular Classic Movie Night! Free tasty popcorn will
be provided.
Driver License Study Session: Monday
through Friday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Carnegie Cultural Center;
self-study format where the student can take practice tests online or in
hard copy. Students need to register first, but walk-ins will be
accepted. For information or to register call Liz Barbee at (909)
Bilingual Computer Classes: Every
Wednesday at 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. If the month has five Wednesdays, then
class will be canceled on the fifth Wednesday. Carnegie Cultural Center.
These computer classes are geared to beginners in computer knowledge.
Each week there will be a different class that will allow you to learn
different topics. The classes are now being offered in Spanish!
CA DMV Driver Handbook: First
and third Tuesday of the month at 3 p.m. Carnegie Cultural Center. Each
student will be given a DMV Handbook and the instructor will point out
key areas of the handbook that the students need to read through and
study. Students can attend as often as they would like. To register,
call Liz Barbee, Literacy Coordinator at (909) 931-4211.
CAL POLY POMONA CPP Wind Ensemble & CPP Concert Band, 8 p.m. Nov. 23, $10 University Theatre.
CPP String Ensemble, 8 p.m. Nov. 24, $10 Music Recital Hall.
CPP MIDI Ensemble, 8 p.m. Nov. 30, $10 Music Recital Hall.
Kellogg Soul Ensemble, 12 p.m. Dec. 1, Free Music Recital Hall.
CPP Jazz Combo & Jazz Band, 8 p.m. Dec. 2, $10 Music Recital Hall.
Kellogg Percussion Ensemble, 12 p.m., Dec. 3, free, Music Recital Hall.
CPP Guitar Ensemble, 8 p.m. Dec. 4, $10 Music Recital Hall.
Mt. SAC Art Gallery’s 2015-16 Season painting
exhibition, “Moving in Color,” runs through Dec. 3. This exhibit is
free and open to the public. “Moving in Color” is an exhibit of Los
Angelesbased artist and educator Margaret Lazzari’s paintings. Gallery
hours are Tuesdays through Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Tuesday
nights, 5 to 7:30 p.m. Information: Art Gallery (909) 274-4328.
UNIVERSITY OF LA VERNE Nov. 24 La Verne Academy Lecture Series: “Climate and Geographic Nonmetric Traits in Global Populations” by Assistant Professor of Anthropology Kanya Godde, noon, Presidents Dining room, Main Campus. Free admission.
Pomona College Jazz, 4:30
p.m., Nov. 24, Lyman Hall, Pomona College, 340 N. College Ave.,
Claremont. Free admission. Barb Catlin leads the ensemble in a Jazz
Spectacular with the big band and combos performing music by Thad Jones,
Bill Holman, Gordon Goodwin, Esperanza Spalding and others.
Nov. 29 Claremont Symphony Orchestra, 3:30
p.m., Nov. 29, Bridges Hall of Music, Pomona College, 340 N. College
Ave., Claremont. Free admission. Fairy Tales and Legends – the Fair
King, the Snow Maiden, Cinderella, the Swan guarding the Isle of the
Dead, and more. For more information, call Claremont Symphony Orchestra
President Cecilia Cloughly at (909) 596-5979 or visit
Nov. 30 Pomona College Afro- Cuban Drumming Ensemble, 8
p.m., Nov. 30, Lyman Hall, Thatcher Music Building, Pomona College, 340
N. College Ave., Claremont. Free admission. Joe Addington, director,
leads the ensemble in soul-stirring rhythms from the Yoruba traditions
of the region and more. Info: concerts@
Through Dec. 19 Fall 2015 Exhibition: “R.S.V.P. Los Angeles: The Project Series at Pomona,” noon to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, Pomona College Museum of Art, 330 N. College Ave., Claremont. Info: Justine.
The Nutcracker returns
with a treasured holiday tradition. Critically acclaimed Inland
Nutcracker to life with dazzling sets, beautiful costumes, and nearly 80
dancers on stage.
annual holiday favorite tells the story of a young girl named Clara who
receives a magical nutcracker doll on Christmas Eve, and sets out on a
wondrous journey to the Land of the Snow and the Kingdom of Sweets. Meet
the cast after the performance for photos and autographs.
Information & Tickets: 
Nov. 28 and 29: Arcadia Performing Arts Center, Arcadia.
Dec. 3, 4, 5 and 6: Bridges Auditorium, Pomona College, Claremont.
Dec. 17, 18, 19 and 20: Lewis Family Playhouse, Victoria Gardens, Rancho Cucamonga.
National Association of Black Military Women (NABMW)
is seeking members in a campaign through March 2016. Our mission: To
seek out, record, maintain and tell the history and heritage of
African-American Military Women who served and are serving in the United
States Armed Forces.” We want to tell your story, and add it to our
history. If you are a female veteran of color, we are looking for you.
For more information call (626) 290-2074 or email lachapternabmw@
Sunday, Dec. 6, 9 a.m. – Santa Barbara Wreath Make ‘n’ Take: Bring
the welcoming, spirit of stylish Old California to your front door with
a beautiful Santa Barbara wreath. Demonstration and handson class.
Registration and a $30 fee are required. Visit ArmstrongGarden. com for
more details.
Sunday, Dec. 13, 9 a.m. – Poinsettia Planters: Use a striking poinsettia to anchor beautiful holiday planters.
Saturday, Jan. 2, 9 a.m. – Designing with Houseplants: We’ll teach you how to decide which plants will enhance your décor and how to take care of them.
Saturday, Jan. 9, 9 a.m. – Rose Pruning: We’ll
demystify rose pruning with our class and demonstration. Learn how
pruning keeps plants healthy and promotes lots of gorgeous blooms. Saturday, Jan. 9, 11 a.m. – Fruit Tree Pruning: Pruning fruit trees is easy once you understand the basics. 
Saturday, Jan. 16, 9 a.m. – Starting Summer Veggies from Seed: Growing edibles from seeds is easy and fun – and very rewarding.
Saturday, Jan. 23, 9 a.m. – Rose Pruning: We’ll
demystify rose pruning with our class and demonstration. Learn how
pruning keeps plants healthy and promotes lots of gorgeous blooms.
Saturday, Jan. 23, 11 a.m. – Fruit Tree Pruning: Pruning fruit trees is easy once you understand the basics.
Saturday, Jan. 30, 9 a.m. – Grow Your Own Berries: Berries are easy to grow, even in small spaces.
SO CAL CAR EVENTS Through Nov. 29
Los Angeles Auto Show at the Los Angeles Convention Center, 1201
S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Auto Show is one of the
in the world. General admission is $12, Monday through Thursday, for
children and adults 13 and older, $15 Friday through Sunday, $5 for
children 6-12, and $10 for seniors. Info: (310) 444-1850.
Nov. 22 Holiday Toy Drive, 10
a.m. to 4 p.m., Whittier Narrows, 1600 Rosemead Blvd., Recreation Area
Special Events Area B, South El Monte. The toy drive is presented by
Viejitos Car Club Los Angeles. Bring an unwrapped toy and enjoy a plate
of food. Info: Call Mingo at (424) 240-3506 or Blas at (323) 806-3696.
Hot Cakes and Hot Rods, 8
a.m. to 11 a.m., Glory Days Sports Grill, 4132 Woodruff, Lakewood. The
morning event is hosted by Mercifuls So. Cal. and sponsored by Glory
Days Sports Grill.
Fall Food Drive and Hot Rod Happening, 8
a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Performance Plus, 3910 Cherry Ave., Long Beach.
Drive in and drive out hunger at this event, which will feature hot
cars, music, trophies, Registration is $20 per vehicle. Proceeds will go
to the food drive. Info: (562) 988-0211.
Nov. 26 Car Show Thursdays, 4
p.m. to 8 p.m., Angelo’s, 2235 Ball Road, Anaheim. The free show
includes an opportunity drawing, friendly atmosphere and huge food
portions. Info: (714) 329-8640.
Nov. 28 Cruisin’ La Verne Holiday Car Show & Spark of Love Toy Drive, 9
a.m. to 3 p.m., Old Town La Verne, D and Third streets, La Verne. The
holiday car show also includes the community’s participation in the
Spark of Love Toy local children for the holidays. Donations of new,
unwrapped toys can be dropped off during the event or at the La Verne
Fire Department. Info: (909) 596-8726 or
Huffarama, Bo Huff’s Kustom Kar Festival, 8
a.m. to 5 p.m., Ontario Citizens Bank Arena, 4000 E. Ontario Parkway,
Ontario. The event features cars, bikes, bands and cool people.
Dec. 2 Prolong Twilight Cruise, 3
p.m. to 7 p.m., Fairplex, lower administration lot, 1101 W. McKinley
Ave., Pomona. Enjoy hundreds of hot rods, classic cars and even a few
vintage race cars on display. Parking is available at Gate 2 on McKinley
Avenue. Free admission.
Dec. 5 Holiday Toy Drive Car Show & Bike Show, 11
a.m. to 5 p.m., 9684 Sierra Ave., Fontana. Presented by Old Memories
Inland Empire, the event will feature prizes for the best in each
category, as well as live music and food. Registration is an unwrapped
toy or $10. Information: Call Felipe at (909) 578-4127.
Toys for Marines Toy Drive, 7
a.m. to 10:30 a.m., 25322 Cabot Road, Laguna Hills. Admission is one or
more new, unwrapped toys valued at $15 or more. Marines will be there
with Humvees and collection boxes. The toys will be given to children of
returning Marines and Wounded Warriors at Camp Pendleton. Information:
(562) 412-8652 or
Dec. 6 Ontario Toy Run, 11
a.m., Ontario Elks Lodge, 1150 W. 4th St., Ontario. Pomona Valley
Harley owners group and ABATE Local 19 will present the 27th annual Toy
Run, which will include hourly prize drawings, vendors, food and
beverages. Entry fee is $10 plus one new, unwrapped toy. Toys will be
donated to Santa Clause Inc. of the Chaffee District. Info: Contact
Yadira Chavira at (909) 438-6126 or yadi19., or Diane Davis at (909) 969-1576 or
Pomona Swap Meet & Classic Car Show, 5
a.m. to 2 p.m., Main Lot. This car parts, customs and classics.
Admission is $10, and free for ages 12 and younger. Parking is $10 at
Gate 17 on Fairplex Drive.