Providence Christian College, founded in 2005, is the only Reformed Christian College on the West Coast. Located in Pasadena, the mission of grounded in biblical truth while offering a broad liberal arts education with more than a dozen career concentrations. Providence Christian College students toured the Union Rescue Mission in December and interacted with people at the mission during the holiday season. Skid Row visits are part of Providence’s program to educate students through experiential learning and discover the cultural world of Los Angeles, in both its beauty and its tragedy. But the trips to Skid Row are often the most impactful for students. In past years, trips to Skid Row have also included meeting with who, over the course of many years, have established connections with residents of the neighborhood. Another trip took students to the Skid Row single-occupancy room buildings to provide housing in an already overcrowded city. For more information, visit ProvidenceCC.edu