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What's new at Foothills Reader Smart home staging on a budgetIf your kitchen appliances are visibly worn out replace them with new moderately priced ones. Kitchen or bathroom faucets and outdated light fixtures that have lost their luster can be changed to stylish new ones without much expense.. Page 2 - no comments - 467 views  Glendora Rotary steps up for Shepherd’s PantryOver the Christmas holiday the Rotary Club of Glendora was challenged by past member Jonathan Blake to match $500 for Shepherd’s Pantry. The Rotary Club accepted the challenge and invited Executive Director Phil Huisman to see the outcome.. Page 3 - no comments - 563 views  David & Margaret supported by Ludwick Family FoundationDavid & Margaret Youth and Family Services (David & Margaret) in La Verne recently received a grant from the Glendora-based Ludwick Family Foundation in support of the agency’s Youth Workforce Training Center Lab, currently under construction as... Page 3 - no comments - 460 views  SoCal Cars CalendarFeb. 13 14th Annual Palm Springs Cruisin’ Association Dr. George Charity Car Show,. Page 3 - no comments - 453 views  Cucamonga Valley Water District honoredThis is the third time CVWD has received this biannual accreditation, validating the Districts commitment to good governance through transparency and to ethical and sound operating practices. Page 3 - no comments - 421 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARRANCHO CUCAMONGA March 20 6th Annual Grape Stomp Triathlon, 5K and 10K Run and Fun/Walk, Bike, Swim,. Page 4 - no comments - 478 views  Providence Christian College: A promise of confidence“At Providence, we are so confident in our Christian liberal arts degree, and all that it provides our graduates for future success in every area of their lives, that we are offering to help them pay back their college loans after graduation, if needed,” said Providence President Dr. Page 6 - no comments - 402 views 