If your property was built before 1990, chances are you have asbestos somewhere in your home.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral that was used in many products to provide insulation, strength and fire protection.
The most common areas of your home that may contain asbestos include ducting for heating and air conditioning systems, sheet rock taping compounds and ceiling materials, and vermiculite attic insulation.
Asbestos fibers that are released into the air and inhaled can accumulate in the lungs and pose a health risk. Homeowners should identify and keep an eye on any asbestos containing materials on your property.
From the mid-1950s through the early 1970s, sheet-metal air ducts for forcedair heating systems were commonly insulated with a cardboard-like material that contained asbestos fibers.
When metal ducts are wrapped with asbestos insulation, the asbestos containing material on the outer surface is not exposed to the air stream within the ducts. If the wrapping material is intact, it can be left as is.
Asbestos-containing materials release fibers when they are disturbed, damaged, removed improperly, repaired, cut, torn, sanded, sawed, drilled or scraped. Service personnel of all trades can easily damage ductwork when working in your attic. Have your HVAC professional check attic ducting for signs of wear or damage during your next service call.
Asbestos that has been sprayed on ceilings has a spongy “cottage cheese” texture with irregular surfaces. Often called popcorn ceiling, it was used to soften room acoustics, and although the bane of home buyers everywhere for its dated appearance, is basically harmless. Test for asbestos content before removing acoustic ceilings.
Asbestos mitigation is best handled by professionals. Hire a professional asbestos contractor if you plan to remodel or conduct renovations that would disturb any existing asbestos in your home to make sure the material is safely handled and removed.
Adriana Donofrio Podley Properties Glendora 626 926-9700 adrianad@podley.com