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What's new at Foothills Reader Pies, cars, musicLast weekend’s Claremont Pie Festival brought out the strollers, folks and families for pies, cars, music and good walking on a near-Spring day in the Claremont Village. The Claremont Pie Festival Committee includes Annika Corbin, Sonja Stump, Joan Bunte, Mindi Meader, Olga Fernandez, Donna Gunn, Jessica Pfahler and Mary Rose. Page 1 - no comments - 464 views  AmeriCorps: Furthering futures in FontanaCrystal’s parents made clear from a young age that she would go to college. However, that wasn’t because either of them had any college experience. Her parents were hard working, but they faced the challenges that come with limited education, and they recognized the opportunities that higher education would afford their children in the future. Page 1 - no comments - 391 views  Roll out the Barrel-aged BrewsI often take for granted that people are familiar with different beer styles, given the rapid explosion of the craft beer industry. But many of my peers’ beer drinking days ended shortly after their college years, and their idea of beer remains Coors or Bud. Page 1 - no comments - 390 views  Check for asbestos in your homeAsbestos that has been sprayed on ceilings has a spongy “cottage cheese” texture with irregular surfaces. Often called popcorn ceiling, it was used to soften room acoustics, and although the bane of home buyers everywhere for its dated appearance, is basically harmless. Page 2 - no comments - 448 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARLA VERNE April 3 and April 10 La Verne Church of the Brethren Sanctuary Choir presents Shawn Kirchner’s Songs of Ascent,. Page 4 - no comments - 525 views 