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As I write this, I’m sitting in a cabana on a beach in Hawaii, on spring break for the kids to Maui and Kauai for some fun and adventure, and some rest and relaxation for us parents.

The kids are old enough to enjoy some of the fun outdoor activities in Hawaii. We are taking them on some of the adventures that Jeff and I loved when we spent our honeymoon in Hawaii, almost 16 years ago.

They will be going zip-lining, kayaking, on a helicopter ride, and inner-tubing through the open canals of the Lihue plantation.

It’s taken me a few days to get used to being on vacation. I caught the flu days before we left on this trip, and I suspect I got a bacterial superinfection as well.

This trip has been has a great reminder for me to slow down, try not to think so much about work and my new hobby that takes up so much of my life- my YouTube channel. Actually, the article that I’m writing is helping me the most to remind myself to sit back and just smell the orchids.

This is a time to enjoy playing in the pool with the kids, spending the whole week with my family. Hope you all enjoyed your spring break with the ones that you love.

But there is time to say a big thank you to all of you patients and for everyone who takes a minute to read my words once a month in the Foothills Reader. I love the words of encouragement you give me!

And now, on to summer.

Visit us at Also, tune into The Doctors (CBS), Studio11LA (Fox), and Home & Family (Hallmark Channel) where Dr. Sandra Lee is a regular guest dermatologist. She can be reached at drleeskinps@

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