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What's new at Foothills Reader Mrs. Huigens’ GardenHuigens and volunteers have landscaped the entire two-campus school, spent years collecting large rocks Huigens to line garden areas, and planned for and raised money for an impressive school garden and gazebo, as well as made-for-Roynon concrete benches. Page 1 - no comments - 1,162 views  Citrus College, University of La Verne sign transfer pactDr. Geraldine Perri, Citrus College superintendent/president, and Dr. Devorah Lieberman, University of La Verne president, made the Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) agreement As part of this agreement, Citrus College students will receive guaranteed admission to the University of La Verne, provided they meet all of the eligibility requirements. Page 2 - no comments - 748 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARPhotoCon LA’s theme for 2016 will be a celebration of Samy’s Camera 40 years in business in Southern California. The legendary camera retailer has been a part of the Los Angeles photographic community since opening their doors in 1976. Samy’s Camera’s flagship location on Fairfax Avenue in Los Angeles is an iconic part of the city’s landscape. Page 4 - no comments - 936 views  Armstrong Garden Centershealth and problem solving using organic products and techniques.. Page 8 - no comments - 545 views  Mt. SAC Students win medals at HOSA State CompetitionMt. San Antonio College health career students won a total of 14 medals, including seven gold medals and seven silver medals, at the Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) state leadership conference held April 6–10 in Anaheim. More than 2,500 students competed at the state competition. Page 9 - no comments - 556 views  Foothills Saga of the Fighting EarpsMost historians agree that the Earps used their badges to facilitate their lucrative gambling and brothel enterprises, yet playing both sides of the fence was a family tradition. Their father, Nicholas Porter Earp, lost his job as a lawman when his role as a bootlegger was exposed to his pious Iowa neighbors. Page 9 - no comments - 459 views  FC Golden State Boys Soccer shines on international stageWith college coaches from all over the nation in attendance to scout for their next All American collegiate player, the Golden State boys gained recognition and attention throughout the tournament. The early week favorites from Golden State both made the finals in back to back games at Toyota Stadium just outside Dallas on Easter Sunday. Page 10 - no comments - 2,672 views  SoCal Cars CalendarThe Usuals Social Club presents Cruisin’ Off the Crudo,. Page 10 - no comments - 496 views 