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What's new at Foothills Reader Lost in Wonderland, in GlendoraThe Glendora Chamber of Commerce recently held the 7th annual Cuisines of the Foothills at Glendora Country Club, with the theme “Lost in Wonderland” at the beautiful Glendora Country Club. The event took more than 400 attendees on a whimsical adventure into the Gardens of Wonderland. Page 2 - no comments - 495 views  Helping hands heal: Finding freedom with Occupational TherapyPost-surgery, Occupational Therapist and Certified Hand Therapist Jiansan Ding at the Charles M. Magistro Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center (PVHMC) started working with Grabiela to bring back the flexibility and strength into her hands. Page 3 - no comments - 627 views  Keep your home safe this summerSummer vacation plans have many people on the road leaving their home alone. Residential break-ins spike during the summer months, so whether you will be jet setting around the world or going on a weekend getaway, make your home less attractive to thieves with these safety tips. Page 4 - no comments - 499 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARSaturday, June 11, in the Padua Room of the Hughes Center, 1700 Danbury Road, Claremont. Members will elect officers and directors, consider positions on issues and a yearly budget. Voter services will be reviewed and the Beatty Award will be presented. Page 5 - no comments - 508 views  For ‘skills builders,’ career tech education pays off“These students come to us seeking to keep their skills current or move ahead in their careers and after finishing a few courses reap significant rewards,” said California Community Colleges Chancellor Brice W. Harris. “A wage gain of $4,300 for courses that cost $46 a unit is a phenomenal value for students and the state. Page 8 - no comments - 458 views 