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What's new at Foothills Reader The record-setting class of 2016 Citrus CollegeAplayer on the Men’s Basketball Team, Tondre, 23, said he enrolled as an average student who was mainly interested in the college’s Athletics Program. However, the business major experienced a transformation during his time at Citrus College and earned one of the highest overall academic performances during the 2015-2016 academic year. Page 1 - no comments - 714 views  Fontana admins, FLIP honored for excellenceSequoia Middle School Principal Gorge Santiago, Associate Superintendent of Human Resources David Creswell, Director of Teaching and Learning Dr. Tonia Causey-Bush and Deputy Chief of Schools Dr. Shelley Holt were recognized for their outstanding leadership and service to the community. Page 1 - no comments - 448 views  Summer maintenance checklist for homeownersFirst, schedule HVAC maintenance and make sure your air conditioning unit is ready to handle the summer heat. If you didn’t get around to preparing your roof for El Niño, do it now. Inspect your roof for any loose, missing, or damaged shingles or rotten roof decking and repair or replace where necessary. Page 1 - no comments - 442 views  In Claremont, school supply drive for foster childrenDonations may be delivered to any one of the following locations through August 31: Vom Fass, Podge’s Claremont Juice Co., A Shop Called Quest, Starbucks, Amelie, Deelux, Middle-Tree Academy, Wolfe’s Market or the Children’s Foundation of America office. Page 2 - no comments - 480 views  CVWD honors Nathaniel Thomas as Water ScholarThe Cucamonga Valley Water District has recognized Los Osos High School graduate Nathaniel Thomas as one of three recipients of the Water Education Water Awareness Committee (WEWAC) Water Scholar Program.. Page 2 - no comments - 452 views  Citizenship Awards to 21 high school seniorsThe award recipients are selected by school administrators, counselors and teachers for their exceptional growth during their high school years as well as for specific acts of good citizenship in their schools or communities.. Page 2 - no comments - 443 views  Walker Music WinnersWinners of the John Child Walker Music Competition, held May 28 in Bridges Hall of Music, Claremont, were announced by Coordinator Artemis Bedros at the evening Awards Ceremony. Those receiving first place in each division were invited to perform for the audience, and as a grand finale, trophies, medals and cash prizes were awarded. Page 3 - no comments - 567 views  Summer funYoungsters from the Ontario-Montclair School District (OMSD) participate in a miniature golf tournament at Scandia, Ontario compliments of the San Bernardino County Public Attorneys Association (SBCPAA). Page 3 - no comments - 501 views  Firescaping tips for homeownersWith the arrival of extreme heat and soaring temperatures, Armstrong Garden Centers reminds Californians that wildfires can spark and rage out of control in the blink of an eye, so preparedness is the key to safety. Consumers can protect their yards, homes and loved ones with proper precautions. Page 3 - no comments - 489 views  For ‘skills builders,’ career tech education pays off“These students come to us seeking to keep their skills current or move ahead in their careers and after finishing a few courses reap significant rewards,” said California Community Colleges Chancellor Brice W. Harris. “A wage gain of $4,300 for courses that cost $46 a unit is a phenomenal value for students and the state. Page 3 - no comments - 451 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARThat musical phenomenon that captured American popular culture lives on through the unforgettable hits recorded by some of the greatest vocal trios and quarters of the time. Page 4 - no comments - 548 views  SoCal Cars CalendarThe Usuals Social Club presents Cruisin’ Off the Crudo,. Page 7 - no comments - 416 views  KABOOM at Fairplex: Best celebration in regionEnjoy an Americana buffet at Top of the Park restaurant, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. A combo buffet and KABOOM! Box seats package is available for $58 for adults and $43 for ages 3-12. Terrace seating package with buffet is $48 for adults and $28 for ages 3-12. Ages 2 and younger are free. Page 8 - no comments - 410 views 