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What's new at Foothills Reader

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Keeping up with GCCC
Keeping up with GCCC.
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Bonita Avenue Renovation
Other features will include bicycle racks and several benches placed throughout. The project includes the planting of Crape Myrtle trees, along with planter pots with drought tolerant plants..
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Kings Brewery
They also launched a crowd-funding campaign to help fund the start-up, which unquestionably contributed to a strong opening day crowd on April 30. That, or the fact that the brewery is one of the few places in town that carries Dodger games on Time Warner Cable.
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New law: Water conserving fixtures
The law states that all single family property owners will be required to replace noncompliant plumbing fixtures with water-conserving fixtures regardless of whether any improvements are made and whether or not the property is being sold..
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Aug. 29: Outcry: Summer 2016 Tour featuring Hillsong Worship, Kari Jobe, Rend Collective, Housefires, Urban Rescue and Chad Veach,.
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Meet the new GCCC officers and board
Shown, in no order, are Pat Loukota, Rona Lunde, Jenifer Kugler, Kandy Nunn, Joan Hallidy, Jim Riley, Gene Morrill, Joe Cina, Barbra Dexter, Marsha Underwood, Rob Voors, Karen Davis, Doris Blum, Cynthia Allawos, and Judy and Greg Gillham..
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The Heart Center
TAVR is a less invasive procedure that allows physicians to perform the valve replacement via a balloon catheter that is threaded up to the heart through a small incision in the groin. The first two patients to receive the TAVR procedure at San Antonio were Andres Lopez and Syed Shah.
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