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What's new at Foothills Reader

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Come to the Fair
The LA County Fair is open through Sept. 25 and more fair than ever, with midway rides, big concerts, fried treats, cute critters, ice sports and some Jurassic kicks thrown in for all the more fun.
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Taste vintage gold at LA County Fair
It’s prime time for sniffing and swirling delicious Gold-medal wines at the 2016 Los Angeles County Fair (LACF) at Fairplex Pomona. The Los Angeles International Wine Competition (LAIWC) showcases the finest domestic and international vintages through tastings widely considered to be one of the most prestigious in the United States.
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Your home and the HERS test
The HERS Rater seals off the duct system to pressurize it and uses special equipment to measure the loss of air in the system. Leaks occur at junctions, connections, and seams in the ductwork, and undermine the performance of your heating and cooling equipment, increasing utility costs.
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Sept. 23: Special night to honor fallen Upland officer
Tickets are limited to 250 people with $50 donation per person, available at the Upland Police Department at 1499 W. 13th Street, 909 946-7624. Also, from Upland Chamber of Commerce at 909 204-4465. Sponsorships available. Please contact Terri Galdo at tgaldo@.
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Don’t miss it: Sept. 17 Lake Arrowhead Tour
For those who want to make it a special VIP weekend, a must is the VIP Gala on Friday, Sept. 16 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Chez Foret Nous, only available to view at the VIP Gala. The cost for the VIP Gala and the Saturday Home Tour is only $110 with a cash bar.
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Sign up for RC Founders Parade
Groups will be scored and awards will be handed out for categories like Best Representation of Theme, Most Spirited, Most Participation, and Best Overall Float. The competitive Founders Award will be presented to the group that best embodies the spirit of the day.
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Route 66 Cruisin’ Reunion: Sept. 16-18
historic Euclid Avenue for three days of food, live music, entertainment and more than 2,000 classic cars. The 4th Annual Route 66 Cruisin’ Reunion will be Sept. 16-18, free and open to the public. For more, see
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meets from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 14, Pilgrim Place Napier Center, 600 Avery Road, Claremont. Speaker Yvonne Savio, retired Head of the Los Angeles County Master Gardener Program, will discuss “unusual vegetables and fruits.” The meeting is open to the public.
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‘Dining Dramatically’ to audition for ‘Christmas Caper’
The holiday melodrama, by John Burkhart has seven roles – three women, three men and a host. Auditions will consist of readings taken from the script. All performers will be paid..
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Pomona Chamber: Savor the Flavors
In addition to sampling sweet and savory fare, guests will be treated to entertainment by the Kool Kats, have access to an open golf range and be able to participate in a chance to win raffle prizes..
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SoCal Cars Calendar
Beach. Presented by Redondo Union High School PTSA, the festivities will include the RUHS Jazz Band, live DJ, door prizes, dash plaques and food. Info:
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