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What's new at Foothills ReaderSign up for RC Founders ParadeGroups will be scored and awards will be handed out for categories like Best Representation of Theme, Most Spirited, Most Participation, and Best Overall Float. The competitive Founders Award will be presented to the group that best embodies the spirit of the day. Page 3 - no comments - 523 views  Route 66 Cruisin’ Reunion: Sept. 16-18historic Euclid Avenue for three days of food, live music, entertainment and more than 2,000 classic cars. The 4th Annual Route 66 Cruisin’ Reunion will be Sept. 16-18, free and open to the public. For more, see Page 3 - no comments - 470 views  COMMUNITY CALENDARmeets from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 14, Pilgrim Place Napier Center, 600 Avery Road, Claremont. Speaker Yvonne Savio, retired Head of the Los Angeles County Master Gardener Program, will discuss “unusual vegetables and fruits.” The meeting is open to the public. Page 4 - no comments - 555 views  Pomona Chamber: Savor the FlavorsIn addition to sampling sweet and savory fare, guests will be treated to entertainment by the Kool Kats, have access to an open golf range and be able to participate in a chance to win raffle prizes.. Page 9 - no comments - 481 views  SoCal Cars CalendarBeach. Presented by Redondo Union High School PTSA, the festivities will include the RUHS Jazz Band, live DJ, door prizes, dash plaques and food. Info: Page 10 - no comments - 477 views 