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Due to the major downtown San Dimas renovation project, the Western Days activities are taking the year off.

The project will be under construction in October and will make it impractical to conduct the parade and portions of the street fair, which are the cornerstone activities of the event.

However, if you are still looking for something to do on the first weekend in October, have no fear, the 22nd Annual San Dimas Rodeo will still be held Oct. 1 and 2 at the Tex Shoemaker Arena in Horsethief Canyon Park.

Grab your cowboy hat and get ready to have a great time at this Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) event. Gates open for the Rodeo at 11 a.m. both days for shopping and tasty fair food with pre-rodeo events starting at 1 pm and the rodeo beginning at 2 pm.

Rodeo tickets can be purchased at www. There will be plenty of tickets on sale prior to each Rodeo performance at the arena.

Free round trip shuttle transportation will be available from downtown San Dimas to the rodeo.

The pre-rodeo event on Sunday is the Annual San Dimas Challenged Buckaroos Rodeo beginning at 12:45 pm. The Buckaroos Rodeo features specialneeds children ages 3 to 12 from San Dimas and neighboring communities who will be partnered up with world-class rodeo cowboys and cowgirls.

If you know of any child who would like to participate please contact Bob Hardcastle at with Subject: CBR.

Submitted by City of San Dimas