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Board-certified dermatologist, SkinPhysicians & Surgeons in Upland

She was wearing a pretty animal print turquoise and brown blouse, paired with dark brown slacks.

Almost 81 years old, pretty and put together, I noticed the sparkle of the rings on her fingers, the stylish chin level hair, and that she spoke with direct eye contact and a reassuring smile. Oh, and she has a basal cell carcinoma on her nose.

I did Mohs micrographic skin cancer surgery on her that day, and the first thing she mentioned when we met is that she is a faithful reader of my monthly column in the Foothill Reader. She is a perfect representation of what I love about my job. Here is the conversation we had during our visit.

Me (M): You have a strong accent … Where are you from?

Patient (P): I’ve lived here for 61 years, but I grew up in the Bronx. The accent never left me, I guess!

M: At what age do you consider the best time of your life?

P: Forty-three! I was a late bloomer but suddenly … I was set free and it was unbelievable. It was fabulous. I loved to dance and the theater.

M: … Why do you have such a specific age and why are you able to answer so quickly?

P: Ok … well … I’ll tell you the truth. It’s sex. I didn’t care much about sex before, but at 43 all of a sudden something clicked and I went crazy! (I wish you could hear all the giggling from us, including the patient, that ensued after this comment. Just darling, the way she said it!)

M: Really? Well, what did your husband say?

P: He just looked at me and said what the heck happened to you?

M: What advice do you have for the younger women that you wish you had known?

P: Take pride in your bodies. Get educated, be your own person, don’t ever depend on a man. Be your own boss, love yourself. Do your own thing first, but help your mom and dad and be a good person. Help everyone you can. Be a doer not a talker. Find a husband that lets you be you.

Love my patients, love my job, and I love my husband. Have a wonderful weekend and remember to smile!

Also, remember that our yearly ENVY Party is quickly approaching at our office at SkinPhysicians & Surgeons. The date is Saturday, Oct. 15, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and during this entire week there are significant discounts on purchase of cosmetic procedures and products.

Dr Pimple Popper will also be featured for all of you popaholics. You must register for the event. Call our office at (909) 981-8929 or go to and search for The Envy Party at Skin Physicians & Surgeons. Hope to see many of you there!! Visit us at Also, tune into The Doctors (CBS), Studio11LA (Fox), and Home & Family (Hallmark Channel) where Dr. Sandra Lee is a regular guest dermatologist. She can be reached at

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