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What's new at Foothills Reader Football field to vineyard: Vince FerragamoThe LA County Fair’s Wine Education Program saw Vince Ferragamo present the “History of Winemaking in SoCal” to a capacity crowd of wine enthusiasts, joined by Cucamonga vintner Don Galleano, restaurateur Chuck Keagle and Malibu winemaker Jim Palmer.. Page 2 - no comments - 718 views  PVHMC Women’s health: Physical therapy for incontinenceAn estimated 25 to 45 percent of women suffer from incontinence, which results in sudden urges to go to the bathroom or frequent leaking without warning. Yet in spite of its prevalence, many women keep quiet about the issue due to embarrassment and put their lives on hold. Page 4 - no comments - 806 views  David & Margaret Annual Gala, Oct. 21David & Margaret, established in 1910, serves more than 1,000 clients annually through a comprehensive range of services, including a residentially-based program and shelter care for adolescent girls, a foster family agency, adoption assistance,... Page 4 - no comments - 614 views  MARK YOUR CALENDARSPASADENA Through Feb. 12 The Batchelder: Tilemaker Exhibition. Page 5 - no comments - 685 views  Students: Enter video competition for scholarshipsThe top five videos will be selected by CSDA officials and finalists will be voted on by the public on the CSDA website. Prizes include $500 - $2,000 scholarships, and $100 gift cards. Full contest details can be viewed at www. districtsmakethedifference. Page 9 - no comments - 634 views  SoCal Cars CalendarCar shows, clubs, events and more about cars. Page 10 - no comments - 692 views  Providence Christian makes student loan guaranteeReimbursement from the program is determined by income level and goes into effect if annual salaries of graduates are below $37,000. If a graduate earns less than $20,000 per year they will receive full reimbursement; otherwise, loan repayment assistant will be provided on a sliding scale up to $36,000. Page 11 - no comments - 604 views  Pacific Lifeline receives literacy grant“We are grateful for this support and plan to use it to purchase much-needed items for its tutoring program, including puppets and a puppet stage to act out stories that are read, two computers and a printer for homework support, lap white boards... Page 11 - no comments - 546 views 